Plog Number 386
2 weeks feels like 2 months

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I hope you are having stable weather, whatever you consider that to be. We have come back to a regular January. The snow and the temperature have regulated somewhat. We are used to cold winters, but this year the temp dipped down far and it made us all sit up and take notice. I feel strong to have survived this last cold snap. Today it was 36 degrees and it felt positively🌴 balmy.
Prior to the election, I talked and talked and talked about the dangers of a 45 win. I warned about losing our Democracy, Civil Rights, a complete burial of women’s reproductive rights and so on. Some people looked at me as an⏰ alarmist. Some probably thought I was too caught up in the politics. One thing I keep hearing now that the Executive orders have come out is how surprised people are at their content and effect. A co-worker of mine said very assuredly “he is not going to be able to do all that he said”. He seemed not to be worried at all. It is amazing how people didn’t take 45 seriously. Wishful thinking or willful denial, not quite sure which. Now that we see how quickly he moved with his promises, some of us are in shock. I am most definitely not in shock or even surprised. I do feel very targeted and I am shocked at the speed and focus. I feel like the Project 2025 doctrine is leaking into our lives on a daily basis.
45 has had 4 years as a bitter revengeful man plotting how to destroy this country. Now he is doing all that he can to make that a reality. He is also now a Felon. He has underhanded and criminal intent in all that he does. Freeing the January 6th rioters was a vastly bad move, causing at least one death already. We only see the distracting stunts he does openly. I shutter to think of the things he is working on in secret. His cabinet picks are vastly unqualified. I think he feels that he is so smart, he will step in when something big happens. I also can tell that he hates this country and wants to tear it apart bit by bit., or rather chunk by chunk.
Our reality is that people are being rounded up and sent away. They are being retained in jails they are calling "safe houses". Law abiding Federal employees are being fired, but with 8 months of Sevrence pay. At this moment all Federal funds are being withheld. That is Unconstitutional and will affect : hungry kids and their free lunches, landlords with CMHA tenants, College Students on Grants and Loans, Mom's shopping with food stamps and on and on. The country is in a giant tailspin. There is a chaotic, scary and desperate feeling. These are Stressful and worrisome days for sure. A friend of mine posted "My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane". I totally feel that sentiment.
We know of 45's fondness for Russia, Israel, Hungary and North Korea. He loves👺 Dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orban etc. He has unchecked power and with no consequences for actions. He reminds me of Biff as Mayor in the Second Back to the Future 🎥movie where Marty traveled to a corrupt future. A nightmare fiction has become our reality.
As of today, 1/29/2025, the OMB has rescinded the Freeze on Federal Funds. After a day of the country being in an uproar and doubt and uncertainty and anxiety, they took it back. A Federal Judge had Enjoined the act. Chuck Schumer and many Democrats have cried foul. All the Federal funds were allocated and approved in a Bi-Partisan way. They can not be done away with a wave of an Executive Order. The uproar was loud. For some reason they rescinded. Maybe they were testing the water to see how far they could push us. For us, the American public, we have a reprieve. For 45 and the Project 2025 demons, its back to the blackboard. Stay tuned. So believe it everybody, and buckle up because we indeed are here. RECLAIM!