Plog Number 183
9 Servings

Hola Ploggers, Como Esta Usted. I am hoping that you are well and at☮️ peace. I am doing well for many reasons. I mentioned in a TikTok that I have become 💪 certified as a Functional Nutrition Informed Professional. Or as I like to say a FNIP. I have a certificate with my name on it after taking 19 hours of Continuing Education. I learned about micro nutrients, macro nutrients, vitamins, essential minerals, sweeteners, salts,💧 waters, diets, organic versus inorganic, preservatives and more. I believe in food as medicine. I teach my patients to eat in ways that will help them. So I am pretty proud to be a FNIP.
During this past week, I took different things in to work for lunch and snacks. I need snacks to get me through the work day. I also need to have them on hand to avoid coming into the house and eating everything that is not nailed down. I had learned from my FNIP training that it is recommended that we eat 8-9 servings of fruits and vegetables. I am proud to say that I achieved that for the first time ever on Tuesday this week. It was quite by accident but still it felt good. I had 2 cucumbers, 1 cup of 🍓 strawberries and blueberries, an ear of 🌽corn, a mango, a big salad (3 cups) with salsa, watermelon and an 🍎 apple. It was not a big departure from what I would normally eat. It was actually the big salad that put me over. At the end of that day I felt light and good. With all the anti-oxidants, fiber and vitamins, I felt it was well worth it to eat in this way. If I can reduce my Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Free Radicals I am happy to eat this way.
It strikes me that the lovely fresh fruits and veggies come from the state of Florida. Now that their Governor has put an edict on ✏️ undocumented persons living there, no one is left to work the fields and harvest the fruit. The South of the border immigrants are not working the fields and other areas of industry in that state. Fruits are rotting in the fields. Farmers will not be able to survive because there is no one to do this back breaking work. It draws a parallel to slavery in that only certain people are “suitable” for this physical kind of work. Slaves worked under leash and for free. Immigrants worked for low but livable wages. These people only wanted to stay in this country and feed their families.
While I sit here in Ohio noshing on fresh fruits and veggies, I feel empathy for those workers who make it possible. This Plog is about shining a light on irony and current events going on in our world. This one highlights a Governor who strikes out at his constituents regardless of the ripple effect of his actions. Also to point out that many Hispanic voters in Florida vote Republican. The votes of the legal immigrants of Florida appear to have screwed the illegal immigrants. It is also clear to me that my own patients dont always have the option to buy the lovely fresh fruits and veggies we are speaking of. High quality stores do not reside in impoverished areas. The issue of food brings up many different issues and people. Food a basic human necessity, is front and center in our minds these days. Lets see how the farmers survive with no workers to pick their fruit. Eat healthy and RECLAIM!