Plog Number 323
IVF Families

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Hoping that you are all doing great and enjoying the last days of summer. When Labor Day looms, so many things turn to Pumpkin☕️ Spice and🍁 autumn. I am far from ready to give into that energy. My daughter says she can’t wait for🎅 Christmas to be here but she is the only one who feels that way in this 🏠 house.
I want to talk about some of the things that I focused on during last week’s DNC. There were many things that I👀 saw and👂 heard but the issue of families was front and center for me. Families come about in many ways. Many of us are lucky to just lay down together with our loved one and Voila there is a beautiful child. But for some others they have to involve doctors, body fluid samples and laboratory🔎 manipulations. Let’s talk about it.
The Supreme Court of Alabama ruled this year that frozen embryos are human beings and those who destroy them can be held liable for wrongful death. The IVF providers in the state immediately ceased rendering services. Couples in that state now will have to go out of state for the treatment. Laws have subsequently been passed to protect those seeking IVF, but the issue is far from clear cut. Other states have pulled back in their provision of the service. Now that the issue has made it to a state supreme court, they have an avenue to the Supreme Court in DC. Suddenly IVF is a national talking point and people are afraid. It has been turned into another political issue that the government should have no right to monitor.
The Obama’s conceived two beautiful children through IVF. Shasha and Melia and a product of IVF after Michelle and Barack had trouble conceiving naturally. Chances are, that they had unsuccessful attempts that did not result in a live birth. IVF does not always end up in success. Another couple at the DNC the Walz family realized their family dreams because of IVF. Gus and Hope Walz are here in the world because of IVF and they all seem very happy. IVF provides what many families cannot do on their own. Conceiving a 👶child is not always easy for couples. Being childless when you want to conceive is😢 torture. Every time you see a pregnant woman, your heart aches. Every time you see an infant, you feel pain because you want it to be you and its not. You feel like God has forgotten you and your desire to have a baby and family of your own. Having a family is supposed to be a God given and natural right. But for many people it is a hell scape. Why should the government have anything to do with that? One more place where Republicans choose to butt their👃 nose in where it’s not wanted. RECLAIM