Plog Number 40

Hello everyone, I hope that you are in peace within your world. I am feeling pretty good myself and want to leave you with some very positive things about our President. Joe Biden. I know that his approval ratings are incredibly low. I also know that he is a little long in the tooth. And I know that he nor any other politician is perfect. But over just the last few weeks he has done some amazing things while having a case of Covid 19. That is not an easy thing for anyone to deal with, much less a 78 year old man. I know you wont all agree with me, but I think it needs to be said that in many ways Joe is kicking a*s.
I am fond of Joe because I can see that he has a heart. He feels things very deeply such as the loss of his first wife and young daughter. That brings a certain humbleness and humanity to this man. He also strikes me as intelligent and very experienced with the Senate and legislation. After all he was a senator for 36 years. That experience is invaluable and does not come to 20 or 30 year olds. I feel pretty sure that he knows how to work a deal and get things moving in Washington. Somehow he ordered and got the number 2 Al-Quieda man behind Osama Bin Laden taken out by a drone. So no one was hurt other than the bad guy. He was able to get Joe Manchin to upset the apple cart and support an Inflation Reduction bill that Senate Republicans were sure he would not support. Getting this bill passed is a major win for America similar to the Infrastructure Act that Joe also got passed. Many Presidents have been unable to pass Infrastructure yet he did. He has also worked on a security and border deal with Mexico that does not involve building a wall. He promised and put the first black woman on the Supreme Court. And he has a Black, Asian Female vice president. Those are all firsts. He also told 45 to “shut up” during their debate. If nothing else, I love him for doing that.
I am not in a total love affair with Joe. I did not like how he has not come through on the promise to forgive Student Loan debt. I also didn’t like hearing that he was nominating someone for a District Court Bench who has a conservative and pro-life history. I knew he was doing that as a deal with B*tch McConnell, but I still didn’t like it. The Federal Judiciary sits just under the Supreme Court and can have a huge impact on our lives. So you see, I like Joe a lot but I do not gush over his every move. I use my power of discernment to evaluate him. I am not in a cult devoted to him. I know that sometimes he bumbles his words together as a residual from his childhood speech impairment. I felt so bad when he fell going up the Air Force One steps. But I love that he jogs and rides a bike at his age. And I love his Ray Ban sunglasses.
So in the times that we are in with the Supreme Court, I am thrilled to have a president who gets it. He condemned the Dobbs decision as Draconian as soon as it came out. He gets that sometimes an abortion is healthcare. So as we try to reclaim our rights it is nice to have a president who is not gloating over the loss. I don’t know what he will do in 2024 but for now he is not acting to put us back in the 1950’s. He is moving forward and will be there when we RECLAIM.