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Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Plog Number 307

An Excellent Political Ad Campaign


     Hello Political Ploggers. How are you? I bet you are tired of seeing political ads. They are everywhere. They are on TV, radio, on our phones, during breaks when we play video games, at gas stations and anywhere else that we are captive to listening and or viewing them. Today is June 26th, imagine how many more there will be in late October. By that time there will be an “unavoidable” black grandpa sounding man telling us to vote Republican on my Urban radio station I listen to in the mornings. It is always sickening but always there. But there is a politician who is running a great ad campaign. His name is Sherrod Brown so let’s talk about it.

     Sherrod Brown has been a public official since 1974 after he graduated from Yale. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio and he has proven himself to be a dedicated public servant. He is being challenged by an inexperienced newcomer who is endorsed by 45. Marino is a Columbian born car salesman. I had heard that Marino supported Obama in the past. He has had some lawsuits from former employees over racial, and sex discrimination. He has no track record to run on.

     Back to Sherrod Brown, his commercials are great. One of them states clearly that he supported a very conservative law that would affect Immigration and the Southern border. That’s it. He doesn’t even say that the law was torpedoed by 45 because he wanted to run on Immigration. No, the ad just says that Brown supported it and he did. Then it talks about his Immigration concerns. Another commercial talks about the law that he helped write that stops the transport of Fentanyl into our country. He goes on to show several local Fox news reporters reporting on the law and Brown’s part in it. It repeats what he did, but out of the mouths of news casters. Near the end he says that he will never stop fighting for Americans. Another commercial shows a car factory worker talking about Marino and the sale of foreign cars leading to the closure of local plants. Brown doesn’t even appear until the end when he says “I approve of this message. Those commercials are strong, direct and come from a non-narcissistic perspective. He is not there saying how great he is. He lets his actions speak for themselves through the factory worker, the news casters and others. I think they are of the highest quality I have seen. Bravo!!

     It is yet to be seen how much the 45 endorsement will propel Marino against a hard-working, tried and true, hardworking public servant. That very endorsement worked for JD Vance and against hard working Tim Ryan. So I am pushing for Sherrod Brown every chance I get. RECLAIM!   




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