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A Cease Fire

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 245

Cease Fire


     Hello Ploggers how are you? I hope we are all enjoying the season as we navigate each and every day. My advice is to stay safe, stay warm and love❤️ each other.

     I rarely comment on the Israel-Hamas-Gaza situation. I do this out of respect. It is such a big deal in my mind. The dispute has ancient beginnings and a seemingly never ending future. My childhood church used to always say to "pray for ☮️ peace in the middle east." I never understood that. There seems to be deep hatred on both sides. A young Palestinian boy and a young Israeli boy can look like brothers. They eat the same foods. They are like cousins who detest each other. Also I have many friends from all walks of life. Some are Jewish, some are Palestinian. I treasure them both equally. If you know me personally, you know that I love my friends like my family.

     So with that intro to the seriousness I put into this topic here goes an opinion. I am so comforted by the fact that we have Joe Biden and Anthony Blinkin leading us right now. This 4 day Cease Fire is such a big deal. How can I not speak about it? I can’t! Joe is an experienced Statesman. He has learned so much in the past 50 years as a public servant. He has met numerous heads of state and garners respect when he enters their space. He is experienced, smart, respectful and deserves a huge hand in negotiating this cease fire. Lives will be saved because of his actions. The previous guy would never have been able to do this. Can you imagine?

     When this most recent war restarted itself in October, I felt that Joe was just following tradition and American policy by his unbending support of Israel. I felt he should do more for the Palestinians and less for Netanyahu. After all, it was Palestinian 🍼babies we saw lying bloody in the streets. When I saw him shake Bebe’s blood stained hands, I was appalled. But as time went on, I learned more about the situation and now know that he was right. By their actions Hamas put everyone in danger and jeopardy. They alone caused this particular battle. Now they are returning hostages and that tells me a lot about their guilt and culpability. I have seen snippets of former President Bill Clinton talking about how unyielding Hamas/AlQuaed/Taliban were to deal with. No matter what they were given, they insisted on their way, reason be damned.

     So when I see people saying that they won’t vote for Joe because of his handling of Israel and Hamas, I hope they are watching current events. I hope they see that things are sometimes not as simple as they look. I hope they keep watching the news as I do and learn before they form and announce their opinions. Things can be presented in a manipulative way by the press. Lets continue to be passionate and informed. Not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters. Not all Israel's are in support of bombing Civilians. Many people in that region just want to live in peace. Many civilians over there are stuck in a situation they have no control over. As of today the Cease Fire is over and bombing has resumed and the casualties are awful, again. I think my childhood church was right when they said to pray for ☮️ peace in the middle east. It all makes a lot of sense now. Oy and RECLAIM!



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