Plog Number 390
A Criminal Investigation

Howdie Ploggers, how are you? I am so Proud of us for surviving every day of this Neo Fascist, Racist, White Nationalist, Oligarical, Theocracy. Each day is a new affront. Many of the atrocities are later reversed but by then you have already raised your blood😵 pressure by 20 points. Already grown 10 more 😵grey hairs. Already lost precious time from your life and😵 sanity. We deserve a gold✯ medal. So here is one more 🔪dagger. Lets get into it.
Pam Bondy is the new US Attorney General. She replaced Merrick Garland. She comes from Florida and is a big Election Denier and a huge 45 supporter. She has announced that companies that don’t comply with the annihilation of DEI in their workplace will be subject to “Criminal Investigation”. Yes, you read that right, a Criminal Investigation by the Justice Department for not reversing DEI initiatives in your private workplace. As if there werent other things to be investigated.
The threat of a baseless investigation is not as bad as prosecution but it is still troublesome. An investigation can cost a company lots of money, time and frustration. There is no law on the books against DEI initiatives. So the threat is more than vague and without teeth. It involves needless threats and harassment. I hope they challenge the issue in court. It would go down like a rock. My advice would be to go to a Circuit Court or a Federal Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court is without truth, integrity or freedom from political influence. As a matter of fact they are a 6-3 group of far right political♞ pawns put there to further the whims of this President.
The types of things Bondy has started out doing are foolhardy but she is trying to exert her agenda. She is trying to show strength. She is doing the complete opposite of our last US AG Merrick Garland. I predicted this months ago. And so the story goes. Bondy is trying to be the total opposite of Feckless. I❤️ love the word feckless.
Stay out of the wrong stores you know the ones. The ones who either contributed heavily to 45's campaign or who rolled back DEI tute sweet. Spend your money wisely. Lets do our part in 💪fighting this machine. Our grocery bills are huge in the aggregate. Target stockholders sued the Company after they struck down DEI and the profits dropped. That shows a monetary💰 effect derived from us the buying public. Whoo👀 Hoo and RECLAIM!!