Plog Number 7
Hello Everyone. I really appreciate your reading my Plog. During my work day I think about it and connecting with you all and it makes me smile. I admittedly get some of my ideas from social media, the news, my friends and the state of the world. I think there will never be a lack of topics to discuss. I may say things that prompt you to respond. But either way, there is something therapeutic in pounding out my thoughts on my laptop.
But the reason I am a little more hopeful than usual is the following. I have seen how the Supreme Court has been wreaking havoc on the country. It has been termed A Judicial Coup and that is exactly what it is. The current Supreme Court is strongly aligned with the Republican Party. 6-3 is a clear majority. 3 of the 6 were appointed by 45. The Supremes are dealing with as many controversial and important issues as possible. It’s as if they are afraid they will only have a short time to make an impact on us so they are hauling ass. As they proceed in this way, they are pissing people off left, right and sideways. What I see is a huge backlash against elected Republicans. Imagine a world where Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Lyndsay Graham, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boboert and so many others are out of their highly paid jobs as our public servants. The list goes on: Greg Abbott, Brian Kemp, Mitch McConnell, Mike DeWine, Marco Rubio. These people are repugnant and because they are “in bed” with the Supreme Court, people may reject them and not vote them back in. It is well known that the Justices speak at right wing dinners such as the Federalist Society where they exchange ideas and play politics. How is that impartial?
I don’t know if this will actually happen but it seems likely to me. I think it is a good thing for people to stay angry at the court and to be cognizant of what is going on. Short memories make for repeated mistakes. So I will be watching and Plogging. I am also hopeful because my daughter turned 18 today and she is already planning to register to vote online. She is Gen Z and she has the same ideas as I do. She sent me an Instagram post of a young girl, "elayjiah," talking about the Supreme Court and how they are dinosaurs and are trying to ruin our lives. Only instead of Dinosaurs she called them “Old F*cks”. The influence of social media on Gen Z is massive. All of these things make me feel hopeful. So let the Supreme Court act a fool. The worse they are, more people will pay attention to them and vote against anyone who is aligned with them. People are paying attention, talking and most importantly Plogging.
Have a great night. Until we meet again. Peace!