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A Tale of Two Faces

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 46

Two Faces

Hello everyone. TGIF! Happy Friday! Can the daily news get any more startling? I feel like there will never be a lack of content for me to write about. I started this Plog to vent about women’s rights and I will, but the other national news is too amazing to ignore. People who don’t watch are really missing out on history at its most base and vile level.

I am thinking about these liar politicians. Especially the elected Republican politicians. Every now and then you will see clips from early 2016 where these guys speak their minds on the feelings about 45. I remember Marco Rubio said that 45 was a Dangerous Con Artist and not qualified to control the nation’s nuclear codes. Further he said that 45 would fracture the Republican Party. Rubio was very correct in his predictions. He really nailed it, but he later walked all of that back and now supports him.

Another person who said bad things about 45 was Lyndsay Graham. Graham said that if they nominated 45 they would get destroyed and they would deserve it. He called 45 a “race baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot”. Graham was spot on in his observations. But he has since become an ally to 45. He even compromised himself by making that phone call to Georgia after the 2020 election. I am still waiting for his punishment for that.

A third person is Ted Cruz who hated 45. At least he should have since 45 said that Cruz’s wife Heidi was “ugly” and that his father Rafael had a hand in assassinating JFK 👀 . Cruz did not support 45 until later when he had won the nomination. After that he has been and continues to be a supporter of 45.

Mitt Romney has had some choice words to describe 45 but he is in a slightly different category. Romney did vote for Impeachment of 45 both times. He has not totally sold his soul to the devil 😈. But Romney is the highest paid recipient of NRA funds so hooey on him too.

My point in talking about these Chameleons is that their remarks are recorded and shown occasionally. They know what they said about 45. 45 knows what they said about him. Yet they all stick together in the public eye and in the Senate. They are all such two faced phonies. I know that this is the way the game is played, but as a woman, I would have a hard time if I was 45, not holding a grudge about what was said about me. Especially if I knew that the things that they said were true. It is AMAZING to me how they carry on, work together and take photo ops knowing that they hate each other. In the deep dark of night, I know that Cruz has to hate 😠 how 45 made him look like such a lackey. Yet on he goes fiercely supporting the man who has the loyalty of an alley cat. So Rubio, Graham and Cruz get the award for being the most spineless losers around. They have to be smart enough to see that 45 was a horrible person and leader. Yet still they offer big support. Again I say amazing. These guys would be hard to play poker with. They are total liars and not to be trusted. They have possibly developed dissociated personalities and could be Bi-Polar. I can’t with them. Vote Blue and RECLAIM!



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