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A Tale of Two Women

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 250

A Tale of Two Women


     Hola Ploggers, Como Esta! Happy Holidays! Such a happy and hopeful time of the year. I have no idea why we don’t hang twinkling and colored lights the rest of the year. They make so many of us happy. Yesterday they had a Menorah Parade in our neighborhood. It is the first time I have heard of it. I live in a heavily Jewish area that is surrounded by several other heavily Jewish areas. So the festively decorated cars and Menorahs paraded from one point to another over a 23 mile route with key points for comfortable viewing. It was exciting as is any parade in my opinion. The event was heavily policed because people can be loathsome bigots. Many people included their children and danced to the festive music and retrieved candy that was thrown for them. I was happy that it seemed very safe. It was a wonderfully inclusive and different way to celebrate the holiday season.

     But it just goes to show that things can be so different in other areas. I am thinking about Texas and Trumbull, County, Ohio. What is going on in these states is exactly what I had feared when Roe v. Wade was overturned by the NOT SO Supreme Court. They made their decision without any consideration for situations like Cox’s or Watts. I remember my friend had a non-viable pregnancy 18 years ago. Her fetus had developed Trisomy 18 too. Her doctor advised her to abort and she did. She had wanted her baby too, just as Kate Cox does. Cox's attorney has announced that she has left the state of Texas. Things like this happen with some regularity. I bet many of us know of women who have had similar outcomes. It is not uncommon.I also remember a situation where another friend aborted and her fetal remnants ended up in a toilet. The Watts woman has been charged and her case has been turned over to the Grand Jury. She has been charged with Abuse of a Corpse. Why on earth did the Supreme Court not consider instances like this when they took action and reversed a 50 year precedent? They took a purely medical decision and took the medical authority out of it.

     So here we are. We have gone back to a time of less power for women. We are in a post Roe life with things exactly where they wanted them to be. More babies are being born. These babies are needed to fight the wars, to work to keep the country going and to vote republican if they can be convinced. More white babies are needed to keep a white majority. I had been physically exhausted and took this past week off of Plogging. I now feel renewed and able to tackle more. As I have often said, there will always be things to Plog about. I am praying for strength to carry on RECLAIM!   






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