Plog Number 41
Alex Jones

Hello everyone. How are you all? If I haven’t said so recently, Thank You for reading my plog. I write about things I care about and things that I think others care about too. This is our lives and we have the right to speak up about it. I try to exercise my first amendment right to free speech respectfully but also honestly and intelligently. I do not have sponsors to please. I know that some things may come off differently than I intended, but I basically just want to sit down and talk. This weekend I plan to introduce my plog as a Facebook page. Currently I have 40 subscribers and I am hoping to boost that number in the near future.
I admit to not knowing a lot about him, but I would like to talk about this guy Alex Jones. What a week he has had and not in a good way. I heard about him on every news outlet last week because of a gaff on the part of his attorney. That attorney’s name is F. Andino Reynal. He “accidentally” sent all of Jones text messages to opposing counsel after denying their existence. I am thinking it was probably a response to a Discovery request. The other attorney laid a beautiful foundation and got the records introduced to completely shatter Jones’ credibility. He was able to Impeach Jones’ lie that no text messages existed. Further the text messages clearly stated all of the denials that he was espousing about Sandy Hook. This all took place during a lawsuit brought by one of the parents who lost a six year old child in the Sandy Hook tragedy. The parents were being harassed by Jones followers who felt that the parents lied. Jones was well on his way to lying his way out of the claims against him. So much is wrong here. He made public denials about Sandy Hook all the time. So to try to deny it was very simplistic and idiotic at best. This story is so IRONIC, it should be mentioned in the definition of the word Karma.
Jones background is that of a self-made millionaire. His education is high school and some community college. He made his money off radio shows and websites. He found a willing market in conspiracy theory believers, alt right conservatives and white nationalist groups. He mixed well with 45 and his followers and made a mint off of them. He was twice married and is single now. One of his ex wives has alleged that he hides his money. He operates out of Texas. He seems to specialize in national tragedies terrorist attacks and calls them “false flag operations”. He has been at this for over 20 years. He also sells self-help dietary products. He is said to have encouraged the January 6 Insurrection and is very Anti-Semitic and loves Hitler. I saw a disturbing shirtless picture of him as he was promoting his dietary supplements through Amazon. He is famous for his January 5 speech where he states “we declare 1776 against the new world order”. Born in 1974 he is an old looking 48 years old and appears to have lost his grip on reality. Oh and he also believes that juice boxes are turning children gay and something about gay frogs.??? I also saw something where he was selling toothpaste that would protect you from Covid 19. 😲
Why on earth would anyone try to deny that something happened when they were not there as a first-hand eyewitness. This guy was obsessed with anything that he wanted to deny. He felt the whole thing was nothing more than a way to take away guns. I find his hatred and prejudice repulsive but he has avid followers. He is one of many of this ilk. He had no good reason for taunting these families who were already suffering. Talk about a guy who went out and looked for trouble. By the way, I have heard Marjorie Taylor Green deny Sandy Hook and even taunt a family verbally and abusively while they tried to get away from her. Georgians have got to do better.
So Jones was found liable and ordered to pay the parents of 6 year old Jessie Lewis $49.3 million dollars. With a net worth of $270 Million he should have no problem handing it over. But this trial is only the first of three. Maybe all of these will bankrupt him. Another wealthy reprobate. The Judge Maya Guerra Gamble admonished Jones and told him that " everything you believe is an opinion, not a fact". It must have galled him to have to listen to that from a woman. Jones has now publically said that he believes that the Sandy Hook Massacre was real. Geez, the best thing I can say about this guy and the trial this week is that one more of 45’s followers has f*cked around and found out! Taking out the trash one by one.