Plog Number 156
Ann Coulter said it best...?

Hello Ploggers how are you. I am here to provide you with some information that was stated by an unlikely source. I consider Ann Coulter to be evil 😈 personified. I don’t follow her, nor do I ever agree with her. But some recent statements of hers are absolutely true. She said the following. "Pro lifers we won, abortion is not a constitutional right anymore, Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion or there will be no Republicans left". She was speaking about the Republican loss of the election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin. She has noticed that there are no red waves. She wants her party to win but her party seems to have terrible instincts. They also double down on their bad ideas.
I predict that her words will go unheeded. Her party can not seem to stop tying themselves to 45 and other 🐜 infestations. She will see that the party does not listen to her because she is a woman and therefore second class. She has also said that "Trump is done". That will not fly in her party either. Her credibility will be a thing of the past when she goes against 45.
If it weren't for tactics like fear-mongering, manipulation, cohesive racism, voting against interest, cheating, gerrymandering and attempting to raise the voting age Republicans would never win another election. They have even started to run as Democrats, and after they win the office, they are changing back to the true Republican selves. A woman in North Carolina did it and gave that body a Super majority with veto power. They are very out of step with the majority of Americans. Their ideas are very unpopular with the majority of Americans. They offer nothing to the Gen Z or LGBTQ communities. Those are huge voting blocks. They rail against the LGBTQ community and double down.
Anyway, I am thinking that they wont change course in any way. That should be a huge political win for Democrats. We have seen some red waves brought down to a splash. We should actually see a huge Blue 🌊 wave. Lets keep our eyes and ears open. RECLAIM!