Plog Number 258
Another Day of Chasing Down Abortionists

Hello Ploggers, how are you. We are really hunkering down here in North East Ohio. It is super cold,😮💨 windy and typical January. We are not at all surprised but some of us had hoped it would'nt happen. Not many of us like it. The winter has been an easy one, but January is the litmus test and usually does not disappoint.
I want to talk about an event that happened many years ago. This was back in the 1990’s. I think I had repressed it, but recently it came back to my mind, with all the talk about Iowa these days . I cannot believe that I forgotten it, but I did. I recently plogged about things going on in the state of Iowa. I did a TikTok about my memories of Iowa. But there is some things that I discovered that I buried in my mind, but now is the time to bring it back up. First of all I was with a black fundamentalist church and we traveled to Des Moines, Iowa for a big Pentacostal conference. I remember that the women there had super long hair because they weren’t allowed to cut it. They had all kinds of up do’s. The white women wore their natural hair, the back women wore long wigs or their natural short hair. Lots of hairstyles were down to the knees. All the women wore long dresses and skirts. None of the women wore pants and they used minimal💅 makeup. There was no consumption of 🍸 alcohol and I never saw anyone smoking. What we did was eat. We went to conferences and then we went out to eat at buffets. I remember one pastor saying that if we were serious we wouldn't put anything smaller than a 20💵 in the offering plate. WTF, I wish I👀 would!
While there, I met a woman who asked me to do her a favor after she learned that I was an attorney. She nearly knocked me down when she told me her story. She told me that she and some of her friends were out on one of their outings at an abortion clinic. My ears perked up. She explained that they go to the clinics and write down the license plate numbers of women who entered the space presumably for service. Then after they got the license plate number they would try to figure out their identity via public records. From there they would call and harass the women. The reason she was asking for my help was that one of the women found out her identity and was going after her. She was in legal trouble for harassment. When she saw the horror on my face 👾 she and her cousin said “see, she has the same reaction as the other lawyer we talked to”. I WAS BEYOND STUNNED. Deep inside I felt like she was getting what she deserved and if I had anything to do with it she would get more!!
These women chased down abortionists while also being genteel church ladies. These ladies brazenly went out and broke the law in the name of Pro Life with impunity and in proper dresses and 👠 heels. They were self righteous and focused while they invaded the privacy of other women. They thought little of the pain they could be inflicting on others. Did they ever think that the women involved may have been rape or incest victims or even carrying a non-viable pregnancy of a wanted child? I remember I mumbled some excuse and I darted away from them. I made sure not to be alone with them anymore on that trip. I was young at that time, probably in my early 30’s. If I were to run into the same situation today I would find another way to handle them. I would not have simply shrank away in horror. I would give them a piece of my mind. Religious⛪️ people can be a strange group.
I told that story to emphasize the steadfastness which persistent pro lifers had while they waited for Roe v Wade to be overturned. They played the long game for something they hoped would happen in their lifetime. And it did. I think I wanted to talk about what people will do while waiting for things to turn their way. Now people are waiting for other things to happen. They are waiting for the fall of Democracy, the rise of Fascism and white supremacy, a return of 45 who many say was sent from God😕. Heaven help us all and RECLAIM!