Plog Number 174
Are we really doing any better?

Hello Ploggers, top of the day to you. Hoping that you are doing well. I know that many people count every day above👍 ground as a victory. I do too, but I prefer a day where things really go well and flow nicely. Those are sweet 🌞 days, and I have had many of them lately and count myself as thankful and grateful!
I have been writing Plogs and doing Tiktoks for almost a year now. I love it and have no intention of slowing down. When no one wants to talk politics anymore, I can always talk to my💻 lap top about whatever I want. I have focused on the injustices that many people suffer daily in our country. As I fine tooth through many different scenarios, certain things are not lost on me. Numero uno is that the powerful 👹 still want to rule over the power challenged. You see it every single day. The targeted people are sometimes getting a break here and there. But people are still shooting and killing unarmed people of color. This happens by both the civilians and the Police. It happens to men and women but more often men. People still use black people as scapegoats for their own bad behavior. The list goes on and on. If you have read my plogs or seen my videos you know I call these occasions out.
So the dynamic has not really changed all that much. What has changed is the fact that people use technology to 📹 record and get more justice. The advent of everybody having a cell📱 phone is what I am talking about here. If you can record a person in the midst of their bad acts, it can possibly save your life. It can become Exculpatory Evidence. So I applaud the phone and camera users who are always right there recording when things go awry. The value in recording these things is high. But have things really gotten better for us as a whole or has the technology gotten better and now we have a way out. Have people stopped doing horrible things to us? No! So as I close this Plog, I am not up in arms or into my righteous indignation. I am simply questioning the larger picture and what 🎨 colors are used to create it. It is similar with DNA. That has been used to rule out defendants from crime scenes. Amazing strides have been made with DNA. It is obvious that technology is our friend. Lets use it to expose the truth. RECLAIM!