Plog Number 289
Arizona’s Ante-bellum law 2.0

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Sometimes I am so 😱 down when I look at the political situation. I probably watch too much news 📰 coverage but my inquiring mind wants to know. I want to know the future and my future prospects. I want to know how far backwards this country will go and what that means for all of us. Oy! I feel like there is way too much at stake to let things happen as they will without at least knowing about it. Even better to do the research, know the history and talk about it.
But in the area of how far backwards we will go I think I honestly have an answer. It is sometime before the Civil War. In Arizona their Supreme Court wrote a decision that revised and enforced an 1864 abortion ban. The ban consists of a near total ban. They state that Physicians are now on notice that all abortions except those necessary to save a woman’s life, are illegal”. The law was passed in 1864 before Arizona was a state. At that time it was just a territory. The law has no exceptions for rape or incest. The law is an actual 160 years old.
The court’s reasoning was muddy. They said that a 2022 law allowing abortion up to 15 weeks depended on the existence of a federal constitutional right to abortion. And since the US Supreme Court eliminated the right to abortion under Dobbs, that law cant overrule one first passed in 1864. Justice John R Lopez IV said that accordingly the 1864 law is now enforceable. The law will go into effect in 59 days.
It goes something like this:
1864 total abortion ban.
2022 a 15 week abortion law.
Also 2022 Dobbs decision took away federal right to abortion and leaving it up to the states.
2024, the Dobbs decision did away with the Federal right, so revert back to the 1864 law.
This reasoning is outrageous to me. But where would the appeal go? It would go back to the Supreme Court, and we know their opinion. The 🍒cherry on top is that President 45 has come out on every news outlet and said that he would not sign off on a Federal Abortion ban if elected to the presidency. He said this in a total reversal to his earlier flex about being the one to get rid of Roe v. Wade. He is pandering for the female vote in an outright lie. He is attempting to appeal to those who are upset with him over the loss of women’s right to bodily autonomy. He seems to think that we the female voters are stupid and without the capacity for memory. It is notable that he is lying and pandering to the woman’s vote. He knows that he has mucked up his standing with many women and he wants to fix it. this is his attempt at fixing it. Another lie. Kari Lake is also back pedaling and claiming that she doesnt support the 1864 law. In 2022 she was in support of the 1864 law. She also is assuming that we have horrible memories. We do not! F*ck them 💩both💩 and RECLAIM!