Plog Number 207
August 8 Special Election

Hello Ploggers how are you. Today was a clear, and sunny Special Election day. I had already voted via mail but my daughter voted in person and I am so👏 proud of her about that. I attended yoga in the park tonight and did a little Kibutzing after class was over. As it turns out, many families, including mine had a venue switch for our polling place. Many of us did not know about the change until election day. That is suspicious to me. There are so many ways that they could have told us about these changes. I received a post card telling me about a poll change but even that was incorrect. I suppose we could all go on the board of election websites to see for sure. But many will not do that and some will just give up out of frustration. And that could swing elections.
So the August 8th Special Election for 1 issue has now come and gone. The whole Special Election was centered around deception. The Republican State Legislators came up with the whole thing in order to cut the knees off of an issue in the November general election. That issue being women’s reproductive rights. The current state laws for requirements for Constitutional Amendments in Ohio have been in place for over 100 years. There was no need to make a change, until the issue of abortion came into the picture.
The people of Ohio 👀 saw through the tactic. We are a large and diverse state, but we can smell Bullsh*t 💩when it is thrown in our face. The issue was rejected in a Bi-Partisan way. The Issue never should have been put on the ballot. It was in essence like asking us to voluntarily give up a large part of our rights. Or as I have said, its like asking us to hang ourselves and to bring our own noose. But Ohioans were smart and motivated to go out and vote. We got the word out. We 📝 signed petitions, We sent letters and texts. We spoke 📢 out about it. And we defeated the republicans on their dirty, sneaky little Special Election.
Hard work, in this case was rewarded. All Ohioans should be ☺️happy. Whether you are pro choice or pro life, you are probably pro rights. The case is separate from the abortion issue. Totally separate. In November, we have another battle to 💪 fight, so lets stay focused and keep it moving. Republicans will try other ways to control and restrict us. But we wont stop talking about it and we will stay one step ahead of them. RECLAIM!