Plog Number 328
Black men acting up!

Hello Ploggers how are you. It is Friday and now another week is on the books. It has been one of the worst weeks for my family and I am distracting myself with writing my Plogs. The only thing more dismal than family drama is Politics. Things are so bad politically it is possible to feel better just by playing attention to things. One of the main politicians is so dumb, you will feel very smart. The rhetoric contains such blatant pandering and lies, I feel like a Girl Scout when I hear them talk. So, I will continue listening to them in disbelief but feeling very superior to anything they say.
I bet we have all heard about Diddy or as they are calling him “The Diddler”. His alleged behavior is abhorrent. His guilt or innocence is yet to be determined. But I am upset thinking about the future fallout we will see from this case. It has been long known that Diddy has said that he is not going down alone. He had videos of his “Freak Off” parties. The FBI confiscated them and now more and more of the names of the stars will be coming out as the case fleshes out. I am fearful for my images of people like Mary J. Bligh, Jennifer Lopez and Justin Beiber. All manner and type of sexual abuse and degradation will bubble to the surface as the facts come out.
Another black male who is cutting the country fool is Mark Robinson down in North Carolina. He is saying outrageous things in order to be noticed by all and accepted by the MAGA crowd. He has become a black, white supremacist/Nazi. His chances of winning his Gubernatorial race are dismal at best. Most recently he has said that he wouldn’t mind going back to slavery and that he would buy a few of them. He forgets that he would be a slave, not a slave owner. He has been caught up in some Porn website scandal. That despite his claiming to be a Judgmental Conservative, Right leaning candidate. He openly condemns LGBT but in the past was known to enjoy transgender porn. Do you think that he knows that the Germans he claims to praise have a word for people like him and it is Schwarz, pronounced Swatch like the watch. It means black, illicit, without paying, obscure, dim and gloomy. The adjectives seem to fit this man well. 45 has said that Robinson is Martin Luther King on Steroids. That lets you know how vile and lost they both are.
Between the two, I am not sure who is the worst freak of nature. They excel in their depravity in different ways. Will men ever get their penis under control and just STOP IT? That is the biggest question in my mind. Most pain, abuse, depravity and despair in the world comes from men lacking control of their libido. I’m sure that there are more black men acting up than these two. But to me these two are quite enough. Lets hope and pray that they get the justice they deserve and that Karma has her hand in it too. RECLAIM!!