Plog Number 116
Bolsanara again

Hi Ploggers, how are you. I am learning so much every day as I do research for my Plogs and TikToks. I consider myself a lifelong learner and due to my chosen professions, I am a lifelong teacher too. Writing the plog started out as an outlet but now it is a political expose on outrageous behavior and behind the scenes control and manipulation. Most of the things I have discovered are new to me but are as old as the sun. I am glad to be learning more things, but honestly I am shocked about some of the things I learn.
Prior to our November 2022 election I wrote a plog number 86 called Global Politics. I wrote about England and Elizabeth Truss. I also wrote about Bolsanara down in Brazil. Here is an excerpt from that plog.
But I have also been looking at Global Political trends. They are of interest to me because they tend to affect our country. I learned years ago that as the world goes, so goes the United States. They had an election yesterday in Brazil. The Incumbent far right, conservative leader Jair Bolsonaro lost his seat to a leftist named Luiz Inacio Lula. The incumbent was a big fan of 45. He was known as “Trump of the🌴 tropics” His positions were Pro Life, Pro Gun, Nationalism and Populism. He was known as being misogynistic, homo phobic, violence inciting, sexist, racist and anti-refugee. Additionally, he was not popular with the women who voted in that election. He only garnered 18-27% of the female vote. The 27% was a number gathered closer to the time of the election. So much of that sounds familiar, right?? The vote ratio was Lula with 👍
50.9% Bolsanaro 👎 49.1%. A less than 1% difference.
I wrote that to say how small of a majority is needed to win an election. I was trying to get every possible voter out there for the chance to save our Democracy. As we are learning, there has been another insurrection, this time in Brazil. Those insurrectionists stormed all three branches of their government. They used tear 💣 gas and violently broke into their Supreme Court, Congress and Presidential 🏰 Palace. The rioters bypassed security barricades, climbed on roofs, smashed windows and invaded government buildings. They were either trying to oust the current President Lula and/or trying to re-instate Bolsanaro. Bolsanaro was in Florida while this was going on. There are allegations about Steve Bannon and 45 being involved in the planning. I can see why they would think they had time to be involved in this since they don’t seem to be getting any repercussions from when they did it in this country.
So this country has set an example of allowing insurrection planners go UNPUNISHED for those at the top. Now other countries are willing to try to do the same thing. It makes sense when you think about it. In Brazil 1000 people were detained. The country is in disarray and fingers are being pointed. I definitely think there will be another insurrection in this country. If Kevin McCarthy is smart he will NOT let them remove the metal detectors by his office. History can easily be repeated, with him as target the next time. Be smarter than that Kevin. RECLAIM!