Plog Number 141

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I hope you are having a great week Mine is going pretty well. The weather has been sunny but really cold here. I guess you call that 50/50. I know it is way better than a rainy or snowy day. It was really 💨 windy last Friday and a tree got knocked down and we lost electrical🔌 power for 18 hours. Talk about a humbling situation. We were grateful to be able to flip a switch just to have 💡light.
I was having a conversation with a friend about an openly dishonest person and some revelations came to light. There are many public figures who do brazenly bad things. They lie, cheat and steal, on a regular basis. They do these things knowing that their acts are wrong but they dare anyone to say it out loud. When that happens they are not at all phased by it. They are above reproach and really don’t care what public opinion says about them. These people have been around for quite awhile because my Mother knew about them and she was born in 1918 in the state of Mississippi. My mother knew about them and she even had a name for them. She called them Brass Assed 🐵 Monkeys, or she called them Brassies or Brass Asses. From this point forward, I will refer to these people as Brassies. I love that name. She would say "he has more nerve than a brass assed monkey" or "isnt she brass assed". It wasn't a question, it was a statement. It makes me 😅laugh just remembering her saying this stuff. I love how she used the word ass (a noun) as a past tense adjective. Kind of like half assed, only better. Truly inventive speech.
I am not sure if my mother saw more of them down south or up north. I have a feeling that Brassies are everywhere like crabgrass and dandelions. I think a clinical name would be Sociopathic. In politics we have many shining examples of Brassies. A brassy acts with impunity and holds their head up high while they do their thing. Think of George Santos, AKA Anthony Devolder, AKA Kitara Ravache. He has lied and lied and lied about everything of importance to get to the US Congress. Once he was faced with his lies, he barely apologized and refused to resign, or to show any shame. He even used White Power symbols on the Congressional floor. He even called Mitt Romney out and tweeted that he would never be President. The nerve to come for Romney while knowing that he himself has been exposed to the world as a total liar. Now that is a Brassy for sure. In the face of what would be public shaming for anyone else, he stands tall and dishes it out to anyone who dare criticizes him.
An example of a Non-Brassy would be Anthony Weiner. He did horrible things and when it came out he lost his job as a New York Congressman, his reputation and probably his marriage. I rarely ever hear of him. He has faded into oblivion. Weiner seemed to have a healthy dose of shame, once he was 🍌 exposed, Pun Intended. So I chose Weiner, to illustrate the point that he is a non-brassie. He was an idiotic, sex obsessed man but not a brassy. In order to be a true Brassy the following things have to occur:
*Any shady act including lying, cheating, stealing, defaming.
*You have to get caught and publically.
*Then you have to hold your head up high and dare anyone to call you out.
*Go about your business as if you are solid, honest and above impunity.
*If anyone dares say anything about the disgusting thing you just did, dig in further or go after them.
This plog is meant for a political laugh but I bet you can think of some Brassies out there. RECLAIM!