Plog Number 385
Ch Ch Ch Changes Already

Hello Hearty Ploggers, how are you doing? I am somewhat off on my days that I publish my Plogs. I plan to do better and even to make up for some lost time. There is no decline in things to Plog about, but my time and attention seem to be playing Hide and Seek. Today I feel more focused and will try to make up for lost time.
As our country goes through a pretty brutal winter, we are also undergoing some pretty drastic Politcal changes. After being sworn in, 45 signed a flurry of Executive Orders. He couldn’t wait to put his Presidential✏️ pen to use. Many of the Executive Orders are without power because they address issues that are already enshrined in the US Constitution. 45 seemed to not know that before signing them. Either that or he just wanted to make the political gesture with no true intent to go forward at all. Insincerity at it's highest.
People who are here illegally are being rounded up and put on military planes headed to Guatemala. The military has been deployed to the border to patrol the area for illegal immigrant crossing. The people are supposedly known criminals. But regardless of what they have done, they are now gone from this country from several different cities. There is also an award for whistleblowers who turn people in to I.C.E. I believe that people will be picking up the phone in order to get the💰 money. We are in the same situation as in the days of Auschwitz when people turned in the Jews. Setting up this dynamic seemed to be a top priority of this new Administration.
There was an Executive order to give Clemency to the January 6th convicts. So those who beat the Capitol Police are now back out on the streets. The Police who had endorsed 45 for President have announced that they will rescind that poorly chosen endorsement. That has little effect at this point. Why did they endorse him in the first place? We had all seen how January 6th went and it seemed incredulous that they would support him. Yet they did! One of the released has already picked up a new gun charge.
There was an Executive Order for Federal employees. This order required those working at home to return to their offices. Federal VA Hospitals put into place a hiring freeze.
There was an Executive Order dismantling the Federal offices of DEI. Those employees were sent home with severance pay. Their positions will not be resumed. They were escorted out of their offices.
There was an Executive order ending illegal discrimination and restoring merit based opportunity. This one goes against the 1965 Civil Rights Act from the Johnson Era. I heard that they are going to be erecting statues to some American hero's. Not sure who those hero's will be.
Although these are only a few of the Executive Orders, they are the most egregious that I have seen so far. They are setting off litigation from the ACLU and other Legal entities. Immigrants’ Rights Advocates are suing over the removal of Birthright principle. The concept of "Anchor Babies" such as Barron Trump is going away for the poor and non-connected.
The NAACP is fighting some of these orders as well as private law firms. So, if nothing else, the new administration has sparked a lot of work for attorneys. RECLAIM!