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Cheaters never win

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 113

Cheaters Never Win

Hello Ploggers, how are you. 2023 is here and as any new beginning, it shows promise. We can be and do more things that push us in the right direction. I tell many of my patients that every day is a new chance to do better. I truly do believe that. Whether we messed up out diet, health, marriage, job, finances or whatever the case may be, “the sun will come out tomorrow”. Sometimes I am up at sunrise 🌞 and I marvel at the age old sun out there doing its job day after day. It is a beautiful and hopeful thing for us all.

As the 3rd of January approaches and the new Congressional Members are seated, we will see George Santos being sworn in. The very idea of this guy swearing in on a 📖 Bible about anything is 😵 laughable. As I talked about on a TikTok and Plogged about in my last plog titled George Santos, the man lies every time his mouth moves. But rather than talk about his past LIES I want to talk about his whole scheme. That is more important to figure out. He seems to be very cognizant of the fact that Republicans are a losing party. Without Gerrymandering, States deciding which votes to accept, Voter Suppression and other things out of the “Good Old boys” playbook, they are not a popular party. I see their unpopularity only growing in the future. When you repeatedly take basic human rights away from Americans, send immigrants out in the cold with no resources and attack gay and transgendered kids, you are never going to be accepted by Gen Z and the Millenials. They see right through that, and they don’t forget. It was their 👍votes that saved our Democracy in 2022.

I doubt that the Republicans will learn anything or change their policies to a younger, more diverse electorate. They are still in bed with 45. Instead they will do things like George Santos did. They will cheat!! Although I do think Santos is mentally deficient in one way or another, he was smart enough to find a way to build a winning platform. Kind of like a Sociopath, smart but without a soul. So what if his plan was built on easily uncoverable lies. It got him his short term goal of getting into Congress and giving the Republicans a majority. He chose the most popular positions and fabricated his way into all of them. I have since learned that this is not his first run for elected office. Many knew of his lies but somehow let him go under the wire. Is this what the Republican party has downgraded to?

Another person like this comes to mind. That is Killer Kyle Rittenhouse. He and his Mother crossed state lines for murder and later had a 1960’s style murder trial where he was acquitted. I predict that this guy will find himself in the headlines again for some other atrocity. Since he learned nothing from the last trial he had, he will have no disincentive to avoid other unlawful and outlandish things.

I am surprised we haven’t heard more from the “human vomit ball” George💩 Zimmerman. After he got away with murder for killing a black unarmed male, he showed his true colors as a racist Hispanic man. Prior to him, I had never seen such an animal that he unashamedly is. For those who don’t remember Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in the State of Florida and used the “Stand your ground” law and was totally exonerated. What these 3 all have in common is that they all got away with their foul behavior. What I have learned is that most criminals are not that smart or they would have found another way. They go back to their original ways and blow their victories again and again. They are de-sensitized to their acts. A good example is OJ Simpson. He got away with a double murder charge and ended up doing time for stealing a bust of himself from the Football Hall of Fame. WTF?

Lets watch 👀 out for these kind of candidates because there will be more in 2023. I doubt that Santos is even the first, he just got caught. Too bad the timing wasn't better. Cheaters⛔️ never win but they do have temporary victories RECLAIM



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