Plog Number 336
Kamala Harris and Brett Baier
Check Mate

Hello ploggers, how are you doing? I hope you are all well and basking in🌞 sunshine somewhere. I think I am getting along quite well considering that we had to do major and unexpected home improvements last week. The Political stress has had its usual ebb and flow. Actually it was a good week for Kamala Harris and I want to talk about that.
Last week Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with Fox host Brett Baiar. I have noticed that Harris is very particular about her interviews. That is her right and quite frankly she doesn’t need to be sitting down for hundreds of interviews. She has enthusiastic support and growing momentum that is constant. She has a toxic opponent whom many of us are tired of the sight and sound of. So whenever we get to see her, we are attentive if not excited. She is a fierce verbal adversary. The opposition keeps sending in their best men, only to be devoured by Ms. Harris. They leave with their tails tucked between their legs and butt hurt. In the case with 45 he came away with🍳 egg on his face (after the debate) and has lashed out at her at every chance. You can see that he was stung and is essentially saying “you may have won the debate but you are a Doo Doo Head”. In the case with Bret Baiar he has stated that he “made a mistake” Lets get into it.
Baiar's reason for the constant interrupting that he did: He said that he thought she would be hard to re-direct. He interrupted her 38 times in 27 minutes. Regarding playing the wrong📼 tape, Baiar said the following: He made a mistake in not airing the right video of 45 where he threatened to use the military against American citizens. Baiar gave Harris the opportunity to point it out during the interview. His mistake gave her the opportunity to state what 45 has been saying about the “enemy within”. She pointed out his mistake and he offered no reason or excuse. Instead he looked😠 angry that she was calling him out. Then 24 hours later he said that the network aired the wrong tape and that he expected two tapes. But he never said that either. He could have said it right then and there. He was in an interview, yet he acted like he was in a debate. He was sent in to trip her up and to make her look bad and he came away like an injured dog. Baiar also asked Harris if she thought the American people were stupid. It was a very aggressive question. She responded to it perfectly and he had to swallow his fake ire. In that moment he looked like his eyebrows would fly off his face. He had hoped to get her so upset she would agree with his “stupid” remark. She did not take the bait and he was left with the cartoonish angry👀 eyed look. It was magical to watch.
This whole interview was important for many reasons. World leaders are watching this election as much as we are. The countries that are dependent on us are rooting for her. They are hoping that Harris prevails because she is💪 strong and mentally intact. But it also lets them know to look out and to be on their best behavior because she will not take any crap from them. She is firing warning shots RECLAIM!