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Citizens United

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 150

Citizens United

Hello Ploggers, how are you doing? I pray that you are all flourishing. That is quite a trick these days with the weekly school shootings. I have been watching TikToks all day and people are 😠 angry. They have every right to be angry. I have also been watching The View and it is interesting to hear their dialogue. That is about as much as I will allow myself to watch right now. I choose to limit my doses of pain when I can. When saving the lives of children is not a priority, we have gone somewhere I dont want to go. No amount of money is worth even the possibility of childhood deaths.

1. I am thinking about my December 14, 2022 Plog entitled Dana Loesch. This was prior to the Special December election in Georgia for Senate. She proceeded to talk about wanting a Senate majority. She called women who seek abortions “Skanks”. The picture I put on the plog was of Loesch standing in stilettos and holding an assault rifle. She used to be a Spokesperson for the NRA and is now a conservative radio commenter. Her callous words outlined exactly what she wanted.

2. Then I look at George Santos, a sitting Congressman who wears an assault rifle lapel pin. Not much more to say about that and for the sake of space I wont.

3. In 2019, the NRA spent $3.22 million in political campaigns on candidates who oppose gun safety. In 2020 they spent $2.20 million on gun leaning politicians. Mitt Romney received the most from them at 💸 $13,648,000.00. There is an entire list of Republicans and the amount of money they received from the NRA. The lowest is Ted Cruz at $176,000. The list is on Public Citizen@Public_Citizen. They have loads of information.

4. Last but not least, let’s talk Citizens United. This is the SCOTUS case that has allowed politicians to be legally sold to the highest bidder. Citizens United was a conservative nonprofit group as plaintiff. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) was the defendant. It involved Plaintiff wanting to air a film critical of Hilary Clinton very close to the presidential election. The FEC was trying to limit finance restrictions and the ability to spend unlimited funds on elections. That had been the trend for over 100 years. Justice Kennedy said that a limitation on campaign finance was a limitation of free speech. He further said that it would not pose a substantive threat of corruption. Super PAC’s and Dark Money have flourished since the decision. Kennedy’s assertions were absolutely untrue and flawed. Consenting Justices were Roberts, Scalia, Alito and Thomas. Dissenting Justices were Ginsburg, Breyer, Stevens and Sotomayor.

As you can see the Conservative Supreme Court Justices totally changed campaign finance and screwed us over royally. That is why Dana Loesch wanted a Senate majority to aid the NRA. That is why Mitt Romney pockets millions from the NRA, more than any other politician. That is why Santos wears an assault 👔 rifle lapel pin. He wants in on the money too. He is advertising for it. As mad as we are about endless school shootings, lets be aware of the influence and know exactly where it came from. The case has got to be reversed and soon. Congress needs to pass a law outlawing unlimited campaign contributions from anyone. If not, we are owned by the super rich and their corporations. RECLAIM!



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