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Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 35


Good Morning Everyone. In Northeast Ohio it is a glorious Saturday morning. Nice and sunny and with a 70 ish degree breeze blowing. I made sure that my day and weekend are free are devoid of anything to do. Days like this are rare in my life, so I intend to enjoy it to the max.

I admit that I am obsessed with Clarence Thomas, AKA Uncle Clancy, AKA Uncle Ruckus. I find myself devoting many Plog posts to him. To me he is such an anomaly, I just can’t believe he is for real. I still contend that he will leave the Supreme Court by hook or by crook and that Joe will name his replacement. I know that is a lofty goal but it may happen. I feel more and more hopeful about it every day. Thanks to his wife Ginni, he may be so compromised that he has to go. Already he has ended his position at George Washington University and will not return there in the fall. He was co-teaching Constitutional Law on a part time, adjunct basis. But the students at George Washington circulated a petition and at last count had over 11,661 signatures. Two of those online signatures are mine and my daughters'. They have a goal of 15,000 and I am sure they will reach it with the recent momentum and publicity. The petition was started by a young man named Jon Kay. By reaching 15,000 they will reach a record for the highest number signed in history. So evidently I am not the only one who is obsessed with Thomas.

Thomas has made many mistakes in his public life. Most recently he spoke at another Federalist Society dinner and gave a foreshadowing of what he has in mind when the court returns for the next session. I plogged about it earlier in "Who doesn't want clean water?". He basically shot a huge hole in women’s reproductive rights, put his gun down and then announced what he will take aim at in the fall. His controversy and willingness to be so verbal about it seem to have done him in. I think he was still high and emboldened by the Dobbs decision when he spoke of the things he wants to revisit. He wants to “correct” the errors he sees in cases involving same sex marriage and contraception among married couples. It seems everything except interracial marriage is on the chopping block. He said that “substantive due process” is an oxymoron and a legal fiction. He wants to re-hear cases that are long standing precedent just as Roe was. May it not RIP.

But ironically, while Thomas is in the midst of ramping up to destroy more unsuspecting Americans, he is having some other problems. Ginni, his wife has caused quite a stir in the Insurrectionist Underworld. I have heard that she will be subpoenaed for questioning by the January 6 Committee when it re-convenes. If I am working that day, I will have to record it. Ginni has made numerous calls and texts to Mark Meadows about how they can over turn the 2020 Presidential election. It will be interesting to see if she promised the aid of SCOTUS. She also paid for a couple of buses filled with Insurrectionists to make the trek to DC for the march on the capital. If they can prove that, she is guilty of actively aiding an Insurrection. 18 U.S. Code S2383 states that "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof…shall be fined or imprisoned not more than 10 years." As the wife of a Supreme Court Justice she shouldn’t have done any of these things. The things she did create the epitome of the appearance of impropriety. Attorneys, Judges and Justices are to steer clear of the appearance of impropriety. And more importantly Clancy participated in a January 6 hearing which he should have self recused. There are numerous infractions here!

So I am seeing a plea deal for Clancy and Ginni where she gets to stay out of jail, if he gives up his Supreme Court seat. I have it all worked out in my mind. That is how Joe gets to name the next Supreme Court Justice. Additionally there is a bill asking for 18 year term limits on the court with retroactive reach. Since Clancy has already had his 18 years, his tenure would be OVER. So you see there are many ways that he could be forced off the court. Checkmate. So I will watch and wait and I will sign petitions. Sometimes they work.




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