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Criminal Law

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 152

Criminal Law

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Today is April Fool’s Day 2023. It certainly feels like a 👿Prankster Holiday. The weather is cool and clear but thankfully not too windy. High winds make me nervous. Having no heat, electricity or MSNBC is not the way I want to spend my weekend. I wonder how people in Chicago, The Windy 💨 City do it. They must have underground electrical wires.

I have been watching the coverage regarding 45 and his Indictment from Manhattan, New York. I have heard that the indictment is lengthy and contains 30 charges with a mix of Misdemeanors and Felonies. It is still under seal, so we don’t know what exactly what it contains. We have waited this long for the actual indictment and now we wait for the arraignment to see what is inside it.

I want to review my background as an attorney. I worked for 6 years as a County Prosecutor. Criminal Law is the same in all 50 states. That is why the Bar exam covers it in the Multi-state portion, meaning that all potential lawyers take the same Criminal Law multiple choice exam. Criminal Law is also very straightforward. Each crime has elements listed in its statute. The elements must match the facts of the case in order to successfully prosecute a defendant. The Grand Jury meets and decides if there is probable cause for charges to be brought and defendants to be indicted. It is a simple process that takes the decision out of the hands of one person and puts it into the hands of 12 citizens. It is a pretty fair process. As an aside Jim Jordon (R) Ohio who is chairman of the Judiciary committee and wrote a stupid letter to Bragg has never passed the bar. You would think McCarthy (R) would have at least gotten a licensed attorney for that position.

There are at least three reasons why the Republicans are wrong in their current assertions. They seem to have notoriously bad instincts. 1. They condemn the indictment without even knowing what it contains. At this point none of us know until the charges are read at Arraignment. That is where they formally read your charges aloud. 2. Since DA Bragg used a grand jury, it is their decision not Braggs decision to indict. 3. They cling to the old school thought that 45 is exempt from criminal consequences simply because of who he is. Not because he is as innocent as the driven snow, just because of who he is. In other works “Privilege”. Should the very public and 👀 visible crimes of 45 should be overlooked because he is above the law? NO 👎!!!!!!!!

So at this point I am looking forward to many other Jurisdictions filing charges. 45 was very visible in his crimes, so we all know what he did. He did things with impunity, brazenly and brassie. He was the ultimate brassie. Somehow now he cant seem to be bothered to be held responsible. He and his party members are busy spreading the outdated narrative I spoke of above. It’s like watching a grandpa competing against a Millennial in an online 💻 video game. All of grandpa’s guile cannot outwit a kid who lives on his 📱 phone. Back in Nixon’s day, he got away with his crimes because of who he was. I am proud to say that those days are done. RECLAIM!



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