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Cryin' Kyle is back

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 284

Cryin’ Kyle is back


     Hello Ploggers, how are you. I am wishing you all well. We are heading towards the spring

🍀 and it is a day to day battle. Some days are sunny and clear but many of them are still very cold. In my yard I see lots of daffodils and the beginnings of tulips. I appreciate them all. I went over to a friend’s house last week and he has an outdoor bird🐦 sanctuary. He had doves, cardinals, woodpeckers, and some birds I didn’t even know. That is awesome to me. All big signs of spring.

     Of course we all remember the George Floyd killing and all that involved. We probably also remember Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother traveling to a George Floyd rally. 17 year old Kyle was too young to drive but he was locked and loaded with an automatic rifle. He took the lives of two people, went to trial and got off "Scott" free. He had a judge who treated him like a grandson. He wouldn’t allow the victims be called victims. He felt that was too loaded of a word to be used against this young man. He allowed him to choose certain procedures in the trial by pulling names out of a hat or some non-sense like that. He coddled him the whole way through the trial. He cried openly and the jury found him to be not guilty. Even worse there was never any charges against his mother.

     That was back in 2022. Fast forward to today, Kyle is making a living by making appearances on Fox news and going around doing speaking engagements. Of course his appearances cause controversy. I find myself being very irritated because next month he is all set to speak at my Alma Mater Kent State University. Most of the things I know about peaceful protest I learned at KSU. I have learned about ROTC and James Rhodes giving the orders to shoot 4 students on May 4, 1970. I consider myself a conscientious objector because of my years at KSU. KSU may have changed since I was there. They had a conservative group when I was there. Now it is the group called Turning Point USA that has invited Kyle to Kent. Turning Point is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train and organize students to promote freedom. That definition sounds very innocuous and like something most people would like. I want to know more about this group.

     There are protests and petitions are being signed. The environment at KSU is fairly liberal and left leaning. I am wondering when a group that would support Rittenhouse got enough clout to embrace this fascist, gun toting killer. And what about the families of the people he killed. Isn’t it extremely disrespectful to them to have this guy speak and earn money at a State University? The students at KSU have grown up with shooter drills and school shootings. Many students are literally afraid of him coming to their campus and the unrest it would bring. Of course the con side is arguing the First Amendment. It is a sad day for the school. When I was a student, we had Micheal Schwartz as President. I like to think he wouldn’t have allowed this. The current president is Todd Diacon. He is the 13t President of the University.

     The average public speaker salary is💰 $97,043 as of February 26, 2024. A reasonable speaker fee is from $2500-$5000. I think Kyle needs to get a job at his local Walmart or Dollar Tree and earn his living in the mundane way that most people do. Seeing him and hearing his name is a painful reminder of what he did. Those that would applaud him are people I do not want to be around. Respect and public speaking rights are earned. This guy has earned nothing RECLAIM!    



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