Plog Number 77
Culture Wars

Hello Ploggers. The Nigerians say Adu ma and Ke doo as a "How are you, I am fine" greeting. I remember that from my trip there in 1998. It is a country that is both advanced and backwards. The women are smart but the men have the obvious power. I used to feel sorry for them but now I see that our reproductive rights are no better than theirs. I saw a story about a 14 year old Arizonan who was denied medical💊 treatment that she had for years. The reason she was denied is that the medication could be used to induce abortion. Her history showed that she had been on the medication for quite some time and with physician approval. The medication Methotrexate was being used to treat the painful condition Rheumatoid Arthritis. The stories of denial of medication are happening in all states with abortion bans. The struggle is real. A negative pregnancy test may become a requirement for certain medication prior to their approval. Pharmacists are stepping outside of their role as medication dispensers and are making medical decisions that they were not trained or authorized to make. I have plogged about things like this before and I am sure I will do it again. Awareness and knowledge are power. Ignorance is the enemy.
Oh and remember the 10 year old Ohio child who was raped and went to Indiana for an abortion? Now I hear that there are at least 3 girls in that same situation. I am betting that there are more than 3.
So what is a Culture War? It is defined as a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values. They often involve “hot button” or “polarizing” issues. A few common issues include abortion, homosexuality, racism, transgender rights and pornography. I think that so called Culture Wars are a good way to deflect, manipulate and distract. We all know that these issues are not easily solved. Most of them involve issues that people have super strong and unchangeable feelings about. What a way to deflect from anything you want. Whenever a prominent senator is spouting off about Minnie🐭 Mouse being too sexy, look at their recent voting record. They are likely distracting from some other things they are involved with.
I plogged last month about the Inflation Control Act passed by the Democrats and Smoking🚬 Joe Biden. I was so proud of the law and its provisions. The Republican senators apparently were not 😠 as impressed with the law. A few days ago four Republican Senators introduced a bill that would 🔙reverse the $35 cap on Insulin 💉for seniors. They call it the Protecting Drug Innovation Act. The four senators are 💩 Marco Rubio (R) Florida, 💩Mike Lee (R.) Utah,💩 James Lankford (R) Oklahoma, and 💩 Cynthia Lummis (R) Wyoming. The senators claim that competition is stymied by the Inflation control act. They also say that the price of Insulin will be brought down for seniors in the “long term” by taking the $35 cap off of Insulin now. WTF? I have researched the top donors for the four senators. Donors contributing over $200 have to be publicized. Open Secrets and Follow the Money are good sources to research reported donor dollars. The Vote Sane PAC and Pro Israel America PAC gave the most to Rubio and Lawrence. I read the lists of donors and none of them sounded Pharmaceutical at all. But PAC’s are conglomerates for money funneling and contain groups of people. I suspect there is a 💵 Big 💊 Pharma person or two hidden within the publicized lists.
So while we were occupied with things like hurricanes, the Little Mermaid, Lizzo playing James Madison’s📯 flute etc the politicians were busy drafting ✏️ laws like this Protecting Drug Innovation Act. Also consider that while Putin was in threat of losing his war he threatened Nuclear Warfare! Yikes! Hello Armageddon, Hello World War III. Culture wars are are a deadly distraction. RECLAIM!