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Dana Loesch

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 103

Dana Loesch and those with her attitude

Hello Ploggers, Happy ❄️ Winter Solstice. The days are so short here in NE Ohio. When I get home from work it is already as dark as midnight. I don’t like missing the 🌞 daylight. The only thing that makes it OK is the fact that the days will start to slowly lengthen starting December 21st.

I was watching the news and saw more stories about the different things that 45 has now been “implicated” in. ENOUGH!!!!! There is so much out there that this man has done that are clearly illegal 💩. He either has admitted to them in public forum or he has been caught with the evidence in his possession. The State of New York has filed a massive civil lawsuit for over 15 years of tax fraud. The list goes on and on. Why is he not under arrest? If any one of us had done even one of the multiple things that he did, we would already be under the jail. I am growing weary of all of this posturing. I have not and will not forget about his acts. I do want to see him arrested, indicted and suffering consequences for what he has done. But I am tired of the starting and stopping. The forward and backward. The back➡️ ⬅️ and forth.

I want to speak about former NRA spokesperson and radio host Dana Loesch. She spoke out in favor of Hershel Walker prior to the Georgia runoff election. She referred to women who sought abortions as “Skanks”. She misquoted that 90% of women were using abortion as birth control. I found her rhetoric to be hateful, toxic 💩 and insulting to women. She was so frank in stating that she didn’t care what had to happen, so long as the Republicans could have a senate majority. It amazes me that she felt no embarrassment or need to be politically correct or even 👀 nice. She was crude, insulting and hateful in her speech. As a Walker supporter she probably helped Warnock to win due to her aggressive approach. When the media shows an image over and over, lots of people are affected by it. BTW nice picture with Loesch holding the 🔫 AK in 👠 stilettos. What a tough chick. She reminds me of Lauren Boebert.

We all had to stew on Loesch’s comments. Every news outlet covered it. She got a big publicity 🎤 boost for saying all of the quiet parts out loud. She felt so privileged and she wore her arrogance outwardly like a 1980’s shoulder pad. But one thing that was very gratifying was the post election news headline:

Sen. Raphael Warnock Defeats Hershel Walker in Huge Win for Democrats”.

So Ms Loesch, you did not get your Senate majority control by Republicans did you!?!. Your party is involved in infighting, power 💪 struggles and finger 👆 pointing. They are unable to even rally behind a house speaker. They have no plans or platform other than to investigate Hunter Biden and his 💻 laptop. Maybe you should save your honest talk for your private dinner 🍛 parties where you all sit around and say the kind of things you had nerve enough to say in a public 📯 forum. You as a woman should know that you sent out a huge shot of 💣 hatred in pursuit of power and control. Please sit back and reflect on your hurtful words to women. Specifically the women were who unfortunate to cross paths with Hershel Walker. Haven’t they suffered enough already without you calling them “skanks”? Get a clue and the rest of us will RECLAIM!



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