Number 253
De Wine Waffles

Hello Ploggers. This will be my first plog of 2024. Wishing all of us a great year filled with Peace, Love, Good Health and Prosperity! Lets also channel some common sense and more people voting according to their interests for the year. I would love to see more of that.
I am so not a🏈 football fan but I have to mention the Cleveland Browns clinching their way into the Post Season. They beat the New York Jets last night and it seemed pretty effortless for them. I watched the whole game. Granted I was on the floor doing yoga and playing with the cats🐱 but I kept it on the TV. I do not understand terms like “first down” or “Fourth and down” nor do I care to. I was just able to tell by the energy and the announcers what was going on. I am proud and happy for them. I had previously noted that the one guy Miles Garrett has an impressive six pack which he shows readily and frequently. I also noted that the quarterback for the Jets is Aaron Rodgers, the infamous💉 anti-vaxxer who was less than truthful about his Covid status back a few years ago. He did not play in this crucial game due to injury. Rodgers left a loud Statement about his Covid vaccine beliefs in 2020. He was around others and said he had been vaccinated while he actually hadnt. I feel Karma rearing her head in this and every other situation.
I noted that Mike DeWine 🚫 vetoed the “Safe Act”. It was called House bill 68 and it would have denied all gender affirming care to youth. Also known as the Transgender bill. His reason for the veto was that the parents rather than the government should make those decisions. He also said that the people who love them the most (parents) should be in charge of things. He also mentioned that the kids went from being suicidal to not being suicidal as a deciding factor. All of these reasons are great and valid and true. However it all begs the question…why couldn’t he see that perspective when it came to Women’s Reproductive Rights. Perhaps he learned a lesson from that losing fiasco. His party may still override his veto, but I think it is unlikely. He knows that they will need 3/5 of the Legislature to override his veto. That is a heavy burden to carry off. The karma here is that he pushed for a 60% popular vote to amend the Ohio Constitution earlier this year. That was equally unlikely. And the effort went down in 🔥flames. Karma!
This decision is a departure for him. He said it was a difficult decision, but thankfully he made the right one. Lets see more of this De Wine. He belongs to a party that is happy to write laws that inhibit LGBTQ and gender affirming care. It is difficult to predict what way he will go from issue to issue. He has a checkered history. He used misleading commercials to sway people on Issue 1 and Abortion health care. He colluded with the state legislature to raise the threshold for any constitutional amendment to 60%. That was a dirty trick and angered many Ohioans. I felt that Issue presumed that voters were stupid and didn’t understand laws and basic numbers. So for this particular veto I will give him a thumbs up. He did the right thing. RECLAIM!