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Dirty and Dastardly Women

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 28

Dirty and Dastardly Women

Hello all, hope you are all well and in the mood for some facts coming your way. Although I always back up my Plog items with research and fact, some of it is my opinion. This one falls under the later category. I was cruising the internet and found some faces from the past that I had forgotten about. The faces of women who stood up for and did dirty work for 45. I will expose them and try to put in some of their own words that represent their traitorism. I call them traitors because they were traitors to the Country, Democracy, Decency and Women. Here is the list in no particular order. Omarosa, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kayleigh McEnany, Sydney Powell, and Dr. Deborah Birx. There are more and you are welcome to send me anyone I have forgotten. Being a traitor is pretty big in my book. I am a believer in the fact that you don’t get to have it both ways. The women who have made my list have earned a dubious distinction. Normally I wouldn’t even want to give them credit, but in this case I will make an exception!

*Omarosa got her start as a guest on The Apprentice. She was voted off, but caused plenty of trouble before that happened. She was engaged to the John Coffey guy from The Green Mile but he died prior to their wedding. Then she managed to make her way to the White House under 45. There she was an assistant to the President and director of communications for the Office of Public Liason. She was also on the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. She and 45 parted ways and she was fired. She stated that 45 was “not racist just racial”. So wtf is that? She has said that being controversial made for a nice paycheck. She later wrote a book and exposed that 45 is a racist and uses racial slurs. Who cares, she rode with him as long as it profited her. I will never buy or read her book, I believe none of what she says.

*Sarah Huckabee Sanders certainly is going off of her father’s name or she would be Sarah Sanders. She served as one of the Press Secretaries for 45. Day after day she stood tall at the podium took deep breaths, made faces, lied and down played 45’s acts. She was an enabler and the truth be damned. As a woman I know that she knew better, but the pay and notoriety were probably good. Now she is running for Governor of Arkansas, similar to her father. She is now poised to be the next Governor of Arizona as a 45 endorsed Republican. I hear that her opponent is pretty good.

*Kayleigh McEnany also served as a Press Secretary who pushed that her boss was doing a good job. She lied daily. She was the 33rd person to have the job under 45. The main facts I remember her bending were around 45’s wonderful handling of Covid. She was snappy and irascible with the press members. She later ended up testifying for the January 6 Committee via Zoom. She knew key things about the whereabouts of 45 and his inaction during the insurrection. She must have been close to the source. A blonde Barbie who resembled 45's daughter. I wonder if that is why she got the job.

*Sydney Powell appears to be quite the chameleon and turn coat. She came to the defense of 45 as an attorney after The Big Lie surfaced. She spouted some conspiracy about Dominion Voting machines being corrupt in favor of Hugo Chavez. ??? Huh? She tried to help overthrow the election. She has been sued by the Dominion voting machine company for an amount in the Billions of dollars. Part of her defense was that “Reasonable people wouldn’t believe her election claims” and said it was just an opinion. The jury is still out on that one but I hope the defamation claim sticks.

* Dr. Deborah Birx MD was on the 45 Coronavirus Response team. Her background is in HIV/AIDS, immunology, vaccine research and global health. She seemed OK until she showed that she had no backbone. She sat there when 45 made the comment about using Bleach to fight the virus. My sister Phyllis had said that Birx seemed too in awe of 45 well before the idiotic bleach comment. Couldn’t she have used her position as a doctor and said “No bleach”? She retired and wrote a book about her experiences but WHO CARES Deborah. You already did your damage and will go down in history for that. No book can exonerate you.

When women sell out for evil, they earn a dubious place in my heart and mind. The best I can do is to expose them so we remember and do NOT repeat.




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