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Doing the Hard Work

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 181

Doing the Hard Work

Howdy Ploggers, how are you. I hope you are 🍑 Peachy! I really do. It is a beautiful late May day and I am loving the fact that it feels like August already. The weather here is so volatile, we know that it will change if we wait long enough.

But I am embarking on new ventures in several areas of my life. Change is decidedly not my 💪forte. I am trying to deal with change in small doses. No way can I have change in big uncontrolled doses. So I am trying to ease into them. One of my changes involves stepping out of my comfort zone and asking people to sign a petition that I have. The petition is for Reproductive Rights in the State of Ohio. That is so my thing. That is the reason for this very Plog. But I am finding that I am not totally comfortable with asking people to sign on the dotted line. For one thing you never know how people feel about the issue. It is a huge and personal issue for oh, um EVERYBODY! Some people are passionately FOR these rights. Other people are lukewarm on the topic. Some people are engulfed in guilt over the issue. Some are against the issue because of religion, their families’ political stances on the issue and on and on. The issue is an a hotbed of emotions.

So far I have gotten three 📝signatures on this powerful petition. I will get more, I just need time. The deadline it June 18, 2023. I had never imagined how dicey it can be to go up to people and ask them to sign up. I feel like I am asking them for an ❤️ organ or something. I have to figure out a way to at least go across the street and ask my neighbors this weekend. I have asked my family and gotten support from them. I don’t dare 🚫 ask people at work. I know my boundaries. I just don’t want for things to be weird after I have asked people to sign. ”Can you sign this petition for Reproductive Rights?” after a lengthy dissertation about why they feel it’s wrong “Sorry I cannot sign ✏️ , and when did you become such an immoral baby killer” said self-righteously. That is my worst and most exaggerated scenario. It is extreme but it does give me pause.

I had planned to ask for signatures on social media but have not done that yet either. Somehow I feel that I am exposing too much by publically asking for signatures. SMH!! Other big things are also changing in my life. I will write more about that later. One big change at a time and per Plog. I am finding that most people in my immediate area have already signed. I live in a really cool area with people that are very aware. Glad to help out and push 💪 my boundaries back RECLAIM!



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