Plog Number 289
Mrs. Walker and Earth Day

Hello Ploggers, how are you all. I know that we just had Earth 🌍Day on April 22. I hope we all acknowledged it. The earth is certainly our friend, abode and our lifesource. The first Earth Day I remember was when I was in the 3rd grade. Our teacher was Mrs. Miriam Walker. She was a strict woman with short grey hair, thick glasses and thick legs. She always wore skirts and blouses and serious looking flats. Her calves were thick and sturdy. I remember she was stern and stealthy. She walked the aisles and looked 👀 over your shoulders at your papers before you even knew she was close by.
But in the spring she prepared us for Earth Day as if it was a huge affair. We were allowed to wear shorts on that day. We brought in our lunch and ate it outside. We stayed outside almost the whole day. We picked up trash and tried to make the school ground a better place. I cant remember if we planted a tree or if that was on Arbor Day. But at the end of the day we took a group picture📷 that ended up someplace to memorialize our work.
I have never had another person make such a big deal of Earth Day as Mrs. Walker with her thick calves. But I do appreciate her departure from her normally stony demeanor. She generally wore skirts with dark hose that had the seam up the back of the calf. But on that day she herself even wore blue “Pedal Pushers” with a matching flowered and sleeveless top. She looked like a big, happy 70’s🌺 flower child with short grey hair and thick 👓 glasses. She at least tried to show us her other side.
She had a habit of putting the "bad" kids in the cubby hole. The cubby hole was a room at the end of the hall which acted as an isolation 💩 chamber. I am sure that some of those kids had learning disabilities or ADHD or were on the Spectrum. It is hard for those kids to conform. But at that time, early 1970’s they just had to sit in the cubby hole until Mrs. Walker let them out.
Teachers have come a long way since that time. I am thankful for that. RECLAIM!