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Ectopic Pregnancies / Plog 8

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Good Evening Everyone. I hope everyone is well. I am thinking a lot tonight about young women. I keep hearing stories about young girls having ectopic pregnancies. For anyone who doesn’t know, these medical emergencies are life threatening. Ectopic pregnancies happen frequently and for no known reason. Birthing babies is no easy task. If it was, men would do it. The body chemistry of the woman has to be totally perfect for conception to happen at the exact right time. Once that egg is fertilized it has to travel to the womb to live for the next 9 months. Sometimes the fertilized egg gets stuck or confused and it implants smack in the middle of a fallopian tube. The pregnancy is non-viable because the fallopian tube is not where the embryo is supposed to implant. It soon outgrows its new space and the pregnancy has to be ended. The embryo cannot survive and the mother can die too. In order to survive the mother needs surgical intervention to evacuate the pregnancy. The mother needs an abortion. Under this new ruling, both will die. I wonder if anyone on the Supreme Court consulted with an Obstetrician about ectopic pregnancies. They are very basic and as old as dirt. I know that the women on the court understand ectopic pregnancy. I doubt that Clancy Thomas knows or cares about them. I am guessing that if Kavanaugh knows he could care less too. Male misogyny just doesn’t care about the health and well being of women. So as we already see, there are so many instances where safe abortion is necessary.

My daughter showed me a story from Instagram and the facts are compelling. The girl’s Instagram handle is “thebaelien” and she suffers through this exact scenario. She could not get the help that she needed because the doctors were afraid of losing their license and going to jail. The doctors were consulting lawyers while the woman was hemorrhaging and near death. Even though the decision in Dobbs just came down, the effects are devastating in real time. In the Instagram post, “thebaelien” shows a picture of her post-operative belly with bruises and scars after she went through this horrific scenario. The picture is attached above. Pictures speak louder than words. This particular pregnancy came about as a result of failed birth control, not sexual promiscuity. The girl did everything right and still almost died as a direct result of the Dobbs ruling.

Rather than gifting the states with these complex medical decisions, the court could have written in exceptions for Rape, Incest and Medical Emergencies. They could have been humane. They could have done so much more than they did. Do they care about women at all, or do they just want to punish them?

Feel free to comment. I invite you to get in the mud with me. Until next time.



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