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Every accusation a confession

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 218

Every Accusation is a Confession

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I am hoping that you are feeling fit as a 🎻 fiddle. Life is to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. I believe in being law abiding and decent and living by the Golden Rule. Living by those rules is Bi-Partisan and Cross cultural. These things are a bare minimum to keep bad karma at bay. I rarely post pictures of 45, but the headline makes the point of this plog so crystal clear for all who dare to read it.

It is very noticeable to me that Politicians point their fingers at their opponents all the time. I devoted an entire plog to Republicans who have accused others of things such as child molestation, homosexuality, pedophilia, catering to the trans community etc. For each finger pointer that accused others, there was a story of they themselves with the charges they incurred for the very same thing. It works almost like clockwork. Take conservative congresswoman Ms. Lauren Boebert who is outwardly anti LGBTQ. She accuses drag queens of grooming children. Later she ends up having public foreplay with a man who is a Democrat and owns a bar that has hosted drag performances. What the…?

To add to the overt hypocrisy, Boebert has tried to down play her sluttish behavior by saying that she was just overly “eccentric” and “animated” . Also that her theatre antics on the day when she ♨️ vaped, got felt up and gave an old fashioned to her boyfriend was nothing. She joked and said she has to find out her next date’s politics before going out with him ha ha. She basically tried to sell us on the idea that she was just a little rowdie and we should look away. She even blamed her current divorce for her behavior. She has been appearing on News outlets and talking as properly as she can and trying to rehabilitate her reputation. She should be the poster child for pointing👉 her fingers at others while she engages in horrible behaviors.

Do you remember Herschel Walker former Georgia Senatorial candidate? He campaigned as an anti-abortion man. Later it came out that he had paid for a girlfriend to get an abortion and sent her a get well greeting card. The very thing he talked against he had already done. Thank👏 God Georgia sent him packing.

The next time you hear any righteous person extolling the depravity of anyone else, listen closely. Watch and see if they don’t repeat the exact same thing they complain about. In some cases they may have already done the dastardly act(s). Watch and see if their accusations become confessions. I think the psychiatry behind it has to do with things like🔥 gaslighting and the pot talking about the kettle, and plain old lying. I find little things like this to be fascinating, duplicitous, pop psychology. Enjoy the side show and RECLAIM!



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