Plog Number 109
George Carlin

Hello Ploggers, how are you. It is cold and🌬 💨 blustery in my neck of the woods tonight. I am spent from a full week at work and am ready to relax. As I sit and listen to the whipping winds, I know that I will sleep well. This plog will be published on Christmas 🧑🧑 Day so I am wishing you all the Most Fabulous Christmas Day ever. Happy Chanukah and Happy Qwana too. As promised, I am writing a part 2 about dark money and how it has bought our Supreme Court.
I am just learning about the crafty methods used to control our Supreme Court and I am a bit obsessed with the whole thing. The Stealth Missionaries and the interaction with certain justices is unthinkable to me. A lofty institution like the Supreme ⚖️ Court is supposed to be impenetrable. Their lifetime tenure is supposed to relieve them of the need to ever have to run for re-election and allow them to be legally honest and true to the Constitution. But that is not the case with our current Supreme Court. And as my mother always said “there is nothing new under the🌞 sun”. It stands to reason that this process has gone on for years. It is only recently that the players have been more talkative about their little secrets.
The Citizens United v FEC case from 2010 allowed corporations and other outside groups to spend unlimited funds on elections. It was a 5-4 decision that said limiting political spending would be a violation of the First Amendment and the right to free speech. This Supreme Court ruling has allowed the super rich to assert their influence in Government and subsequently the Judiciary. This allows racial. religious and class bias to be introduced into the court's decisions.
A Latin quote which translates to “Never be a judge in your own cause” is apparently non-applicable to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts has said that the court does have a Code of ethics. He left it at that and offered nothing more specific. We know that there is no public grievance or resolution. There is also no higher court to appeal to if dissatisfied with their decisions. There are lots of remedies when dealing with lower courts. 1.The first right is to appeal to a higher court. 2.Another right is to motion for recusal when a known Conflict of Interest arises. 3. Most courts have an Administrative Judge who can deal with non-conforming justices. 4. Most States have bar Associations who hear complaints and issue restrictions on the legal licenses of those who cross the line. Here is a local example. The Ohio State Bar Association was involved when a team of lawyers complained about Municipal Judge Angela Stokes and Common Please Judge Pinkie Carr. They are both off the bench at this point in time. A higher court, The Ohio Supreme Court ruled against them.
The problem is that there is no legal body that is higher than the Supreme Court. Another problem is that they seem to take their orders from Theocratic Right Wing Billionaires. The US Congress can move to Impeach Supreme Court Justices. This has only happened once in 1804 with Justice Samuel Chase. The House voted to Impeach, the Senate voted to acquit. Sound familiar?
There is a famous Comedian who talked about the current Supreme Court in a fore shadowy bit. George Carlin joked about Pro Life enthusiasts. It went…”Boy these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born you’re F*cked.” I have seen the video many times and can hear his gravely voice in my head. It is hysterical and it is an older stand up bit. The story is not new at all. I love when comedians clearly say with humor what we all know but haven’t uttered out loud. Laugh at the comedy but notice the irony RECLAIM!