Plog Number 111
George Santos
Hello Ploggers, how are you all? I know that many of us are looking toward the New Year 2023. We came through 2022 like a wrecking ball. I can’t help but wonder what waits for us around the corner. I think that politically, it will be 💣volatile as it usually is. No real surprises there. As politicians seem to get more and more corrupt, their dirty deeds have been uncovered by great Investigative reporting.
Case in Point, there is George Santos (R) NY. This newly elected congressman has been caught in numerous lies. To name a few things he lied about, there is his education💩. a He never graduated from NYU or Baruch College. 💩 Existence of a criminal record, he was charged in Brazil with check fraud💩. His business acumen and success, he never worked at CitiGroup or Goldman Saks,💩 and even his 💩religion he has claimed to be a Jew and a Catholic. His businesses were not as successful as he said. He eared around $55K annual in 2017. Despite being previously married to a woman he ran as an openly gay male. I wonder if that is even true or if he wanted the LGBTQIA votes?
It is heartbreaking to me that he beat out a long time Democratic seat and flipped it from blue to red. The previous Democratic Congressman ran for Senate and lost. His name was Tom Suozzi. The region he is representing is the Long Island, Nassau and Queens areas which is New York’s 3rd Congressional District. Robert Zimmerman is the Democrat who lost to Santos by 8 points. Zimmerman says that he knew of Santos lies and that he tried to focus on getting that information to the public to deaf ears. Zimmerman is also openly gay.
Santos ran as a moderate, yet he is a January 6 sympathizer and was at the Ellipse that morning. He paid the legal fees of some of the Insurrectionists. He is Anti-Abortion 👎supporter👎 and an election👎 denier. Not the type of guy that would have stood a chance in New York. Apparently the Red Wave actually did take place in this part of New York. Long Island is the 4th largest Jewish Community in the United States. Mr. Santos said to a Jewish audience that there were 2 Jewish people in Congress and that soon there would be 3, implying that he was that 3rd Jewish person. So…wait a minute. Who lies and pretends to be Jewish? Kathy Lee Gifford spent years trying to not appear overly Jewish on the Regis and Kathy Lee talk show. She wanted to appeal to a larger audience than the Jewish numbers would provide.
So much to unpack here. Lying about being Jewish in order to deceive voters is despicable. Lying about a college degree is grounds for dismissal at most American Corporations. I know a young lady who lied about finishing high school. When her job found out, she was demoted to housekeeping and later quit. It is a deal breaker. Why should the US Congress tolerate behavior that Cleveland Clinic would not allow. When called on his lies he said they were Embellishments. This whole Santos story puts a magnifying glass on the level of trash that has now become the Republican party. They should be highly ashamed, votes or no votes, majority or no majority. The best thing I can say about Santos is that maybe he is mentally "off". I heard him on a live talk a day ago and he is the guy who never shuts up, owns up or stops justifying himself. Something about him is compulsive and sociopathic in his lying. And this is who the Republicans are SMDH!!!
This has got to be talked about and a lot before this fraud is sworn in. In a different world I noticed that nobody ever pretends to be black. Right now Kevin Hart is in trouble for saying that he thought that Egyptians were black. It is a huge INSULT to Egyptians to be called Negro, even though their Country is in the Continent of Africa. Tiger Woods came up with a whole new name to call himself so he wouldn’t exclusively be known as black. The term BIPOC only is suitable for certain situations. The reason for that is Asians do not want to be black when they have a choice. Hispanics do not want to be black when given the choice. One thing you will never see is a non-black pretending to be black. You may see someone appropriating the black culture but that is it. Santos lied about being Jewish (and everything else) and gets elected to Congress. Kevin Hart tells an obvious truth about Egypt and stands to lose lots of money via cancel culture. Geez! RECLAIM!