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Global Politics

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 86

Global 🌎 🌍 🌏 Politics

Hello Ploggers, how are you all. I miss writing my plogs as often as I did before. Now that the election is 7 days away and I am involved in making Political TikToks, there seems to be less time for my beloved Plogs. But rest assured I am still here and just as passionate about women’s reproductive rights. By this time, 5 months after the Dobbs decision there have been numerous stories about women who have suffered because of the poorly thought out law and its effect. Each state now has the right to go rogue in making backwoods decisions and reviving laws from the 1800’s. It has been a virtual sh*t 💩 show of female oppression. I personally am saddened😴 and awaiting anxiously for the election results to come out to see how things will go.

But I have also been looking at Global Political trends. They are of interest to me because they tend to affect our country. I learned years ago that as the world goes, so goes the United States. They had an election yesterday in Brazil. The Incumbent far right, conservative leader Jair Bolsonaro lost his seat to a leftist named Luiz Inacio Lula. The incumbent was a big fan of 45. He was known as “Trump of the🌴 tropics” His positions were Pro Life, Pro Gun, Nationalism and Populism. He was known as being misogynistic, homo phobic, violence inciting, sexist, racist and anti-refugee. Additionally, he was not popular with the women who voted in that election. He only garnered 18-27% of the female vote. The 27% was a number gathered closer to the time of the election. So much of that sounds familiar, right?? The vote ratio was Lula with 👍

50.9% Bolsanaro 👎 49.1%. A less than 1% difference.

Then there was the mess that occurred over in England with Conservative Elizabeth Truss. She served as England’s Prime Minister for 45 days. Her policies were so troublesome to the English economy she became very unpopular and resigned. Her policies included an attempted large tax break on high💰 earners which would place Britain’s economy at risk. She also touted supply side economics. Her platform caused a near uprising of Parliament against her. They had an increase in inflation, reduced value of the💷 pound and an increase in the cost of 🏠 mortgages. She had to go. Truss and her policies sound very Republican, and that did not bode well for her 👎 .

I talk about these two big political changes because of our current state. We are in a battle between conservatives who do not respect the rights of women or the poor. Other Democratic countries around the world such as England and Brazil are saying “HELL NO” to this near fascism in their countries. They are giving bad leaders the boot by less than a 1% margin. We can say no🚫 to it too!! We have to say not and RECLAIM!



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