Plog Number 276
Guess Who Didn’t take money from the NRA??

Hello Ploggers, Como esta usted. I am hoping that you are maintaining and enjoying your life. Each day is a gift not given to everyone. The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. We all know this, but sometimes it helps to hear it aloud and to bring it to consciousness.
Recently there was a shooting in Burnsville, Minnesota. It was a domestic situation. Two police officers and a firefighter were fatally shot and another officer was injured. These were the people who came in response to the domestic incident. The firefighter and paramedic who were killed were providing aid to an injured officer. The shooting occurred after officers responded to a call involving an armed man who had barricaded himself inside with the family, including seven children. The suspect has also died. He was a man who owned many guns and an arsenal of ammunition. He shot the officer from both the upper and lower levels of a Suburban Minneapolis home. The two police officers were both 27 years old. The firefighter/paramedic was 40 years old. This situation grew into a tragedy that will be counted as another horrible shooting in our country.
Traditionally, when these shootings happen, I look at the politicians involved. I always check to see how much (if any) money the politicians accepted from the gun lobby including the NRA. This case is different because the two senators involved did not accept any money from the gun lobby. That is Hella good news. The two senators are Amy Klobechar (D) (2006) and Tina Scott (D) (2019). These two Senators did not accept any money from the gun lobby. They both voted for the gun control legislation passed by Joe Biden. Previous Senator Al Franken also did not accept any money from the gun lobby. These legislators earn $174,000 annually as their salary. They have had this salary since 2009. Many CEO’s, Physicians and Attorneys make more money than they do. But somehow these Senators were able to live, eat, and pay their bills off of the paltry salary they earn without supplementation from the gun lobby. Good for them. They are doing their jobs without asking for more.
I personally would be embarrassed to be a politician who accepted money from the gun lobby and know that my name was listed on Open Secrets with the exact amounts I got. I would be mortified to know that everyone knew that I had accepted money from the very people who supply guns that cause the deaths of men women and worst of all children. That would bother me. Bt it seems to be of no thoughts or problems to Republican senators who gladly accept this money and vote for the interests of the gun lobby.
I am quite relieved to be writing this plog with the information I have given. It is the first I have written where the amount of money accepted was $0. There is hope and RECLAIM