Plog Number 305

Hey Hey Hey Ploggers, how are you and Happy Juneteenth. I am writing this on June 19, 2024 but it will not be published until Saturday June 22, 2024. But even though three days later, my😄 joy and sentiment is still the same. Although the holiday is recognized on the Federal level, some private entities are not giving employees the day off. I took the day off and have no regrets. To me it was a matter of joy, necessity and symbolism.
Many times I find myself thinking about the lives of the black American slaves. I have read many slave narratives. They are very expositive and they give insight into the thoughts and daily lives they lived. Many of them expressed as much fear of their “Mistress” as they did their “Master”. The wives of slaveholders were mean and resentful of the slaves even though they held a much higher place in society. They had the upper hand and they knew it. Some of them were resentful of their husband’s philandering in the slave quarters, evidenced by their bi-racial children throughout the farm. Others may have just been enjoying the power inequity that skewed in their favor. They also talked about the fact that their biggest goal was to get to heaven to escape the misery of their lives here on earth. Many of them born into and died out of slavery. They never drew in a breath as a free man or woman. They had no idea except to dream about Freedom.
Their lives were incredibly hard and without hope of freedom. They had no legal rights or significance. All they knew was labor and submission. They were extremely strong both physically and mentally. I am forever grateful to them for their strength and survival. I have no idea why they had the lives they had and I have the life I have. But I give thanks to them for all that they endured. If not for them I would not be here. I would not be free, I would not be able to be an attorney or nurse practitioner, I would not be able to own a home, I would not be the person that I am. I cherish all that I have and I live in fear that the MAGA agenda will try their best to take us back to Ante Bellum days.
I saw a picture of a group of women from the 1960’s. They wore mini👚 skirts and Go 👢go boots and looked like they were having a great time. It was shocking to hear that the women were Iranian. The rights that they had were stripped from them and they don’t dare dress in that way today. Today they cover themselves with Burkas. It is mandated for them now. Their rights have become a thing of the past. If it happened to them, it could happen to anyone. American Women have lost our reproductive rights and may never get them back. On that sober note enjoy Juneteenth and RECLAIM!