Plog Number 95
Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Ploggers, it is Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday night and I am feeling thankful. I feel gratitude and happiness. As I look at things, they are not totally ideal but they could be worse. To me that is a definite plus. The ⚖️ Supreme Court has dealt women a low blow. Childbearing aged women are receiving second rate healthcare that may cost them their very lives. That has got to change. That is what Pam's plog Reclaim is all about. The conservative Supreme Court Justices seem to feel that they are invincible and answer to no one. But at the same time they are making things harder for the Republican party to move forward and to win elections. So there is that, as a plus.
Speaking of Republicans, many of them are now doing a 💃dance where they imply that they are not so Trumpy anymore. They are soft selling the outrageousness of 45 that they sat and watched in silence since 2016. They are pushing away from the stench of a non-winning 45. They realize that the fun and games are now over and they don’t want to go down with him. I SAY NO BACKSIES!! And yes the all capital letters are my way of shouting on paper. Never forget those who wholeheartedly supported 45 nor those who silently stood by and watched him do so much harm to this country. Never forget the friends, neighbors, associates and co-workers who surprised you when they voiced their support of 45. There are probably still more who kept silent about supporting him and his ideas. But those who came out exposed themselves for supporting him should not be forgotten. Just tuck that information away in the back of your mind and use it when making decisions about who you allow near.
But I am very thankful to have a President who gets the poor and the middle class. The things that Joe Biden has done for that segment of America is astounding and unprecedented. We have had two years of gains that never would have happened with a Republican President. We were that close to being able to codify Roe v Wade but enough Republicans made it into House majority to dash that hope for now. So as you can see it is a mixed bag of good and bad. When looking at politics that is usually the way it is. But many of us will look inside our lives and see what we are personally grateful for at this time of year as we have our Thanksgiving🍗 dinner. Be grateful for breath in your lungs and life in your body. For family, friends, love and joy!
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving and RECLAIM!!