Plog Number 239
Holidays are here with a side of reality

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday season in whatever way you choose to celebrate. My friend and I were discussing how awesome it is that you can celebrate Thanksgiving no matter your religion. And since everybody eats, we can all get into the theme of it. So, I say cook, 🍗 eat, enjoy and be with your loved ones. Indulge and seize the day.
As I look at the political scene in Ohio I am pleased and in many ways appalled. In the last month, we have had 3 shootings. One in Mentor, Ohio, one in Elyria, Ohio and one in Dayton, Ohio. Mentor is not known for this type of thing. The 47 year old shooter in Mentor lived in a trailer and was in the process of being evicted. He shot the property manager who was a 62 year old woman. He also shot a 63 year old and an 81 year old who tried to help. He shot at the Police and caused a stand-off. He shot 3 people and himself for a total of 4. The one in Elyria shot 2 women in a car. One was killed and the other was injured. The shooter was not found. The Police are still looking for tips. The one in Dayton wounded 4 and killed himself inside a Walmart store. He used a rifle and was 20 years old. They are saying that the shooting may have been racially motivated. Two black women were injured. A white man and white woman were also injured. The FBI has said that looking at his journals lead them to believe that he was inspired by racial extremist ideology. He bought the gun just two days before using it.
Three different situations, but death and tragedy involved in all cases. Why? The families involved will have despair on this and every holiday season.😱 Please stop!!
As we all know, Issue 1 passed and abortion rights will be enshrined in our State Constitution. We were all celebratory until we heard what the Ohio Legislature had up their sleeves in order to avoid its enforcement. They are not just resigned to the fact that they lost. It has been said that the Conservative Supreme Court could use its power to intervene. Governor De Wine’s son is on the Ohio Supreme court and it is his father who wrote and or signed the 6 week, no exceptions ban. But, if the legislature tries to ignore the effect of Issue 1, they will be met with litigation from a Constitutional basis, a Civil Liberties basis and a Personal rights basis. I feel sure that there are attorneys prepping for the fight as we speak. We didn’t come this far with the issue to let them take it away illegally.
So the purpose of this plog was to talk about the beauty of the holidays while raising awareness to the fact that things are as dangerous and as unfair as ever. Part of the problem with the shootings is our elected officials first and foremost. The second part of the problem is mental illness and lack of common sense gun laws. For some reason we can’t find a way to uphold the second amendment while keeping guns away from people with history of mental illness, and domestic violence. It would also be helpful if assault weapons were banned once again, but we cant seem to do that either. If these simple restrictions were put in place we would have less shooting deaths to talk about and wouldnt that be nice RECLAIM and Happy Thanksgiving!