Plog Number 44
Holy Crap, they raided Mar-a-lago

Plog Number 44
Holy Crap, they raided Mar-a-lago
Hello Ploggers. Hope you are having a lovely evening as I am. It is 70’ish degrees with hardly any humidity. That is my idea of perfect August weather in Ohio. It has rained so much that the flowers are all alive with colorful blooms. I have also discovered a new flower that I am in love with. It is a Hibiscus. We saw it last night on our walk and I thought it looked like something from the Wizard of Oz. It turns out to be very common in Ohio. It looks like the flowers I used to draw on the corner of all the notes I passed in high school.
I am sure that we have all heard that 45’s home in Florida got raided by the FBI on Monday. My reaction was a solid “Whoopie” 😁 I was happy because this meant that he was the subject of an investigation by Merrick Garland and the DOJ and that there was enough probable cause to get the warrant. I knew it didn’t mean he was on the way to jail but I knew it was monumental and a first in many ways. A first in my lifetime that a president was so openly corrupt. A first for a president to be caught red handed and the whole world to listen to it in real time. It was exciting to see some accountability applied to that smug orange face. One of the first things he did was make an announcement that he had indeed been raided. The next public thing that he did was grift more money from his supporters. He stated that he was being pursued by the Feds and needed at least $40.00 a piece from families that wanted to help him fight them. The Gall 💩 .
As I thought more about the things that 45 has done, I realized that I couldn’t be certain what the Feds were actually looking for. As much as he has done dubious acts publically, he surely would have done some things under cover. So we wonder while the DOJ goes through those documents that even came from his safe. It kind of reminds me of a no knock warrant that was used against Breanna Taylor only no one died in this case.
I am loving seeing him get some accountability and comeuppance. I pray that he gets what he has coming, but for the most part I want there to be a declaration that he never be allowed near the Oval Office again. It was also interesting to see the Republicans say things like “Defund the Feds” or “this is a violation of his right to privacy” or Kevin McCarthy threatening Merrick Garland when they take over again. From the way Garland has proceeded, I don’t think anyone needs to worry about his thoroughness in dealing with any matter. He seems to very smart, and not at all a hasty decision maker. So I am waiting to hear what the Feds do next.
Today, 45 was in New York pleading the 5th Amendment to Latisha James’ questions. I saw a brief blurb where 45 talked about the questioning he endured. He said that the DA was very RACIST. Now we know that James is black and we know that 45 is a racist. This is classic transference where people take the strong feelings that they have and apply them to another situation or person. In simpler terms it is "the pot calling the kettle black." Something is cooking in Georgia too because of the phone call to “just get me some more votes”. I want to see Lyndsay Graham questioned in that too. He also made a post-election phone call. He said that he was too important to come in for questioning. I am sure that he is not and that no one is above the law (M. Garland January 6 Investigation). I also want to see all of the fake electors who tried to help overturn the electors and sent in false results be charged. Those states were Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. What happened to those guys?
There are so many things to watch right now. I am doing my best to stay abreast of it all and to write about it in my Plog. Please stay tuned and RECLAIM.