Plog Number 362
How do we fix this mess?

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I hope you are having a great day and that you feel safe, loved and at peace. Take your victories and wins wherever you can get them these days. I know that I am feeling very frustrated, in shock, and in fear for my future. One thing I can’t understand is why there are no Forensic Investigations into the ballots in the states that were questionable. Why is no one on the Democratic side asking for re-counts? Why is no one explaining to us how we went from a Harris lead to a 45 popular vote landslide? Let’s talk about it.
Forensic Investigation
A forensic investigation is the gathering and analysis of all crime-related physical evidence in order to come to a conclusion about a suspect. Investigators will look at blood, fluid, or fingerprints, residue, hard drives, computers, or other technology to establish how a crime took place. If cyber-crime could have taken place, they should be investigated. If Space X🚀 Satellites controlled ballots in swing states, they should have a Cyber Forensic Investigation. Why aren’t they looking at voting machines like they did in 2020? Look at the Satellites involved and their “payload” please. If everything is on the up and up so be it. But at least Please Look into it. And tell us The American People that you are looking into it. There is nothing to be lost by at least looking into irregularities.
Democratic Recounts
The Presidential pre-election period showed unprecedented support for Harris. Her rallies were crowded with enthusiastic voters. She had gotten a historic number of new voters registered. Some Polls had her 6 points ahead. Zoom calls for Harris were "breaking" the internet. Many Republicans were embarrassed and had turned their backs on 45. The Lincoln Project decried him quite awhile ago. People were leaving his rallies. He did NOT have the numbers for a landslide win. Many people did not have their votes counted. States such as North Carolina and Michigan (both swing states) voted largely Democratic except for President. So people got into the ballots and voted for both parties. Huh?!? I would never do that. In our divided country, most of us would never do that. I doubt that enough people did that to make this strangely uncharacteristic result. It all just👃 smells wrong.
Citizens United
We have got to get the big💸 money out of politics. The Supreme Court has allowed people like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk (both South African Immigrants) to buy certain political races. These particular Immigrants are trying to ruin the country. As things stand right now, it is clear that Elon Musk or “Elonia” will run the country. He bought💵 and paid for it. 45 will be a blubbering, demented figurehead with no real power. it's a stark and sobering reality that we are facing. Just my💬 thoughts RECLAIM!