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How Dumb Are We Supposed to be?

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 278

How Dumb are We Supposed to be???


     Howdie Pardners and Ploggers. How are you? It is a😎 sunny Saturday afternoon here and I am enjoying it. So are my 🐱cats since I opened the front door to get the sun 🌞beams in. They stretch out and take Sun baths.

     I am madder than a wet🐔 hen after hearing some President 45 news. I know that it is all for manipulation and to sway a few votes but still it stuck in my craw. And who is to say that a few votes wont be enough to move the needle in the direction of another 45 Presidency. Supposedly black male celebrities are supporting and being an influencer for 45. One celebrity in particular is Snoop Dogg. Snoop is saying he has nothing but love and respect for 45. But there is way more to that story. Snoop and 45 struck a Clemency deal for a Death Row Record co-founder named Micheal “Harry-O” Harris. Harris was pardoned after serving 30 years of a 25 year to life sentence before 45 left office. Harris was an associate of Shug Knight. Knight was the founder of Death Row Records. He is in jail now and will not be eligible for parole until 2034. His charge, a fatal hit and run in 2015. He was also jailed for breaking his parole the night that Tupak Shakur was killed. Pretty shady characters!

     Snoop Dogg has been very critical of 45 regarding his racism and his recklessness and inability to run the country. He also heavily criticized Kanye West an open 45 Supporter.  

     So I described all this Rap history to show that Snoop Dogg is not in support of 45. He is simply paying💰 the piper for getting his buddy Micheal Harris out of jail Period, Full Stop. And by doing so and saying favorable things about 45 the Right wing press is spinning it to other black men that they can support 45 just like Snoop Dogg. This is pure MANIPULATION folks! Look 👀 at the man behind the curtain. Look at him and not at gold colored tennis 👟 shoes. They are the shiny object used to distract you. They are a DISTRACTION for the poorly informed people who don’t watch the news and have no idea of the depth of 45’s racism and desperation. Question any black celebrity who endorses 45. Most of them are either indebted to 45 in some way or they just want the publicity. Some have even said they are hoping to share in his supposed "swag".

     As a reminder, it was 45 who didn’t want to rent to black people in the 1970’s until he was taken to court. 45 is the one who called the racist Tiki Torch carrying Klansmembers “good” people. It was 45 who refers to large groups of African Americans as “The Blacks”. It was 45 who thanked the “blacks” for not coming out to vote for Hillary Clinton and added insult by asking “what have you go to lose?” Here is a few things we have already lost to a Trump Presidency:

*Women’s right to bodily autonomy, this will affect black and brown women the most

*Tax consequences that have not fully developed but that will have average earners paying more taxes than the wealthy. That starts this year.

*The deaths of many Americans from his mishandling of the Covid epidemic.

*Threat of losing our very Democracy due to his indebtedness to Russia and Putin.

*He hosts dinners for known racist like Nick Fuentes and Steve Bannon.

     And the list is far from exhaustive. Please think about these things and ignore golden tennis 👟shoes. Don’t be manipulated by a master manipulator. RECLAIM!!



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