Plog Number 123
How many mass shooting in America…this month?

Hello Ploggers how are you. I really pray that you are all safe and well, something we cannot take for granted at all. I am kind of a news junkie. I got it from my father. He watched the news and read the newspaper daily. I remember as a young kid, when I called my siblings a bad name. The name was the N word. My father overheard me and he punished me. His punishment was to make me sit down with him and watch the news. I remember it was ABC Nightly News with Harry Reasoner and Howard K Smith. They were talking about Mao Tse Tung. I remember watching the news 📺 with him and becoming slightly interested in it. I started asking my father questions about China and soon after that he let me go back to play with my siblings. So my love of the news started from that point. What was meant to be a punishment turned into a 💓 passion.
I was thinking about the Mass shootings that have occurred in this country so far this year. I think that at this point (January 28) we are up to 38. Mass shootings in the country have become so normalized. The Government barely even speaks about it. The Republicans fail to give their “Thoughts and Prayers” They continue getting insanely rich from the NRA and gun lobbies. They hide behind the 2nd Amendment. I find that so wrong and neglectful on their part. What is more important than the lives of your constituents being snuffed out. But all I hear is 🐞 Crickets!! WTF is that about? We are so on our own guys! The amounts of 💰 money that politicians accept from the NRA are monstrous. I remember reading that Mitt Romney accepts more money from them than any other politician. Somehow I expected more from him, being a Mormon and all. These purchased politicians will not even support Common sense gun laws. As I said previously “We are on our own”.
I used to automatically think “I hope the shooter is not black” when I heard of a shooting. In my younger days I thought black people would be treated worse if we were doing mass shootings. As I age and get more cynical, I realize our treatment is not dependent on if we were considered mass shooters or not. The majority of mass shooters are white males with some outliers. The biggest threat to the lives of Americans is from home grown terrorists.
There were mass shootings this year in the following States: California, Colorado, Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Illinois, and Mississippi. Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Missouri, Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia. Alabama, Utah, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, 78 people lost their lives while 176 were injured by their fellow Americans. California had the most with 22 deaths and 21 injuries in 3 separate shootings. This data is from the Gun Violence Archives up to January 28, 2022. Other countries do not live this way. They do not live with the anxiety of possible death and trauma at any moment. Countries such as North Korea have gun 🔫 bans. Other countries have severe gun control. Canada recently outlawed assault rifles in their country. The US has come up with ways to put more guns in the hands of citizens. Waiting periods and background checks have been minimized. Ohio has repealed the Concealed Carry law. Ohio has also advocated for arming teachers as a way to deal with school shootings. Some have said “Nothing stops a bad guy with a gun, like a good guy with a gun” Really…Seriously!!! I don’t think so.
Be safe and RECLAIM!