Plog Number 347
How do Satellites Work?

Howdie Ploggers. How are you? I am happy that today is Saturday because I get to do Yoga. The yoga class is totally therapeutic. It works on strength, balance, joints and stretching. Laini, our teacher always is able to say things like “turn to the right and see how that feels” or “stay in the pose as long as you need and take from it what you need”. I love it. She says just the right things. If she is taking us to a harder pose she will say “maybe you cross your legs and lift your buttocks”. The “maybe” makes it optional and not a demand. It goes down easy like sugar.
Lets talk more about📡 satellites and how they work. They have four components. 1. A power system. 2. Altitude Control. 3. An antenna. 4. A payload for collecting information. Orbit Satellites are placed into orbit by a launch vehicle and can change or maintain their orbit using propulsion. They are held in place by gravity. Communication Satellites use radio waves to send and receive signals to and from earth. Transponder Satellites have transponders that receive and transmit radio signals. Typical link Earth stations transmit signals to satellites which amplify and retransmit them back to earth.
Satellites provide internet, telephone☎️ calls, GPS and more. They help us with transcontinental phone calls, weather⛱ forecasts, TV Broadcasting and more. They involve mirrors, they are made of metal and they spin and orbit. They are powerful. Some are big while others are as small as your hand. Gravity locks them into orbit. They act as mirrors to bounce signals back to earth from space. Satellites are great at Communication, Navigation and Photography, Imaging and Scientific Surveying.
That is all I will try to explain about Satellites for today. It is obvious that they help us tremendously in our everyday lives. Everyday people such as you and I use them without even thinking about it. Last night I went out and my friend was driving a 2024 Subaru. I noticed that when she started her car, the dash, laptop device lit up. To my surprise it said Starlink Satellite. It had a beautiful starry looking background. It was just lovely. I wonder how many other cars come with Starlink? You see many houses with satellite dishes for their TV and internet service. Satellites are here to stay. Since there are👹 evil people out here who know all about Satellites, why shouldn't we know more about them too RECLAIM!