Plog Number 23
Hurting America?

Hello all! I love a Saturday morning. Getting up at 10 am, actually taking time for a real breakfast with a protein dish that is not a Cheese Stick, and enjoying the morning quiet. I actually bought some of those Johnsonville Sausage Strips. They are good. Yum. I really appreciate having the time to do these things on a Saturday that I do not have time for during the week.
So let’s get right to it. I am trying to find justification for why the DOJ lead by Merrick Garland is not bringing both civil and criminal charges against 45. I have found things like “it would set a risky precedent” and “it would be deeply unsettling for Americans” or “it would turn 45 into a Martyr and further radicalize people”. To all that I say Blah Blah Blah with a raspberry. Those ideas came from an article in US News and World Reports. The article was called “The Pros and Cons of Charging 45 with a Crime”. Of course they didn’t say 45 but I do exclusively.
So let’s look at setting a RISKY PRECEDENT to prosecute wrongdoers for their acts. That is pure horse crap. In fact the opposite is the truth. I bet we ALL know a person or two who put their toe over the line and got the book thrown at them. The gravity of the crime is not the issue here. The issue is being held accountable for crimes. The riskier precedent is cherry picking who gets a pass and who doesn’t. Of course black males are at the top of those who do NOT get a pass. People of all walks of life commit crimes but it is black males who end up in jail most often. Letting a privileged, white criminal off because he happens to have held high public office at one time is a mistake for this country. That precedent says “hard on crime for all except…” That is Un-American. That is elitist, fascist, unlawful and unnecessary.
In the Civil legal world the standard is “a preponderance of evidence”. That simply means we have enough words, deeds or act to be pretty sure that this person did what someone else said they did. In the Criminal world the standard is higher at “beyond a reasonable doubt” or what a reasonable person would believe when presented with evidence. Between the incendiary speech given on January 6 by 45 and the recorded phone call to Brad Rathensburger after the 2020 election asking for a few more votes we have both standards covered. So whether Civil or Criminal the DOJ has enough Probable Cause to indict. So what, that it is unprecedented. This level of Presidential abuse is also unprecedented. 45 makes Nixon look like a Kindergartener and even he had enough shame to resign.
I was concerned that the DOJ only handled Criminal matters but that is not true. Their mission is to “Uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe and to protect civil rights.” Further they investigate both civil issues such as child support and torts and criminal matters such as murders or federal drug crimes. They have the Jurisdiction and sitting on it for this 1 person is more dangerous because he will continue to do more if not stopped. If I could take my neighbors cookies as long as I wanted to with no consequences, I would probably take them forever. That is human nature. Don’t think that 45 is not still doing illegal acts and operating behind the scenes. I believe that the longer they don’t act, he will continue and feel that he is untouchable.
The second excuse about it being unsettling and radicalizing for Americans is pure drivel. It is more unsettling for me that he has gotten away with so much without consequences. Seeing him have some consequences would be very healing to this country. As far as radicalizing his followers, I think that ship has sailed. They are already in a cult. I doubt that they can be more radicalized than they already are. They are buying guns and killing people in the name of fighting “replacement theory”. They are fighting against government when told to wear a mask for their own safety. They are traveling to Washington and storming the capitol while armed and killing police who tried to stop them. So guess what…they are already radicalized.
I would love to meet Merrick Garland. Anyone who Obama felt was a stand-up guy has got to be smart, thoughtful and very capable. So Merrick do something. How about Dereliction of Duty, Inciting a Riot, Raqueteering, Witness Tampering, Attempt to Defraud and interfere with Election. Take your pick Merrick. Either act or say why you are not acting. The silence is deafening. We need to hear from you or we will all think that you deserved to have your Supreme Court seat denied you by Bitch McConnell.
God Bless Reclaim!
Pam, you are on point again! Love your writing.