Plog number 5
Hello there, hope you all are well. I also hope you are enjoying reading my Plog. I try to keep them interesting, relevant and short. I figure my time and attention span are both in limited supply and perhaps yours are too. Anyways as I try to figure out the ability of the Republican party to win, I thought of hypocrisy. Most of us grew up thinking that hypocrisy was a bad thing. It meant you had no integrity or backbone. It also meant that you were probably a liar. But prominent Republicans seem to have no problem with being hypocritical. If anything, when caught in a hypocritical snit they will simply lie and say that they didn’t do the hypocritical thing in the first place. Is that not the epitome of hypocrisy??
Case in point involves Mitch McConnell, or as I call him Bitch McConnell. Remember when he denied Obama a Supreme Court pick because there wasn’t time? He used time as the reason why it couldn’t be done. So that Justice got picked by the next President or as I call him 45. Then when 45 was on the way out Bitch rushed the nomination of Amy Cunty Barrett :) I know it’s politically incorrect to call her a woman’s body part, but I do it on a regular basis. It just seems to fit her to a T. Time was not a problem for that nomination because McConnell saw that 45 wasn’t looking like he would get a second term. Obama nominated Merrick Garland on March 16, 2016. Obama had 10 more months to be our President. 45 nominated Amy Cunty on September 26, 2020. 45 had 4 more months to be President. Amy Cunty was sworn in on October 27, 2020. That was a fast turn-around. It couldn’t be done for Obama in 10 months but it was done for 45 in 1 month. If you never knew what hypocrisy was, and you just read this Plog, you now have a shining example of it. There are many more I could name, especially as it involves the Supreme Court but there isn’t time.
But it is worth noting how McConnell even stated that it was his proudest moment as a serving Senator when he denied Obama the nomination of Merrick Garland. To drive home my point, McConnell not only has Zero shame in being hypocritical. He uses it in his strategies and later beams when he discusses it. Brazen!! I don’t think he cares that Americans consider him to be hypocritical. He cares that he got what he wanted, bottom line. That is what I call success rooted in ruthlessness. I both admire and despise it at the same time. What do you think? I welcome you to leave comments. I want this Plog to be a sharing forum because that is how we all learn.