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"It's just for the Supreme court picks"

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 196

“Its just for the Supreme Court Picks”

Konnichiwa Ploggers, that is Japanese 👲 for hello. What a cool sounding language that is.

I want to write about a 👩‍⚕️nurse I worked with back in 2016. She was a very nice girl and I had no beefs against her. I knew her to be a Church going woman and a mother of kids close to my daughter’s age. It wasn’t until that election between 45 and Hillary that I ever heard her discuss any kind of politics. But she said something that stuck with me. I think she wrote something on Facebook saying the following. She said “he may not be the best guy ever but we need him for the Supreme Court Justices he will nominate”. She was politically savvy enough to know that 45 was a buffoon, but wanted to use him for what she wanted. I remember her being a devout Right to Life person. She wanted abortion done away with. She was a 1 issue voter and her issue was abortion.

It seemed like she knew that 45 had the possibility of ending abortion. And she was right about that. But the things that went along with a presidency by him were not predictable. With the recent changes to our eroding rights, I wonder if she has lost enough to realize that voting for him was a mistake. I think a good lesson should have been learned. Voting for a dangerous, criminal who cares about nothing but himself in order to get one thing is an insane 😵 idea.

That single issue voter has helped unleash a reversal of our fortunes (and hers) back to the 1950’s. She may or may not have already realized this but whether she does or not, the rest of us see it clearly. Now that the country has been through an Insurrection, a Pandemic and is widely racially divided we are in a difficult situation. Because of 45 and his Not so supreme court, Discrimination has become sanctioned with national implications. Race can not be looked at by college admissions, Women have lost the right to control their own bodies and Student loan forgiveness has been shot down. I am thinking that by now, someone in her circle has been touched by the losses we have all suffered. It is so ironic. This politician got so many to vote against their own interest and to cut🔪 their throats by their own hand. Now 45 is mired in criminal convictions and his presidency is going down as the worst in history. I like to call the act of getting people to turn the gun on themselves as “bring your own noose lynching”. Or “Self Righteous Implosion” or “Biases turned Inward” or “LBJ’s pick pocket analysis”. You know the one where President Johnson said “ if you can convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best colored man he wont notice you picking his pocket” Hell, give him somebody to look down on and he will open his pockets for you. That is why he gets people to give him so much money. He makes them feel better than Barack Obama😲.

Those things are all relevant to 45 because he made white people feel better than others, in particular the previous black president. Remember his obsession with Obama and how much he talked about him? People didn’t mind taking abortion away from black and brown women, Then they thought about their daughters and grand daughters having ectopic pregnancy and being unable to get an abortion. They didn’t think about the horrible medical conditions that some pregnancies result in. Dobbs didn’t just project its holding only on black and brown women. It was like a shot gun and affected all women. Politics and people are endlessly fascinating. I will continue to watch them and calling them out RECLAIM!



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