Plog Number 168
It is as if they just want to kill us

Hello Ploggers, how are you. As of late, I have been learning more about guns and gun laws than I had known before. I report on mass shootings and expose the politicians in that state who got the most money from the NRA and or gun lobbyists. It is a busy job because unfortunately there are numerous shootings all the time. I will try to keep up and keep calling out the purchased 💵politicians. I feel that each one is crucially important and deserves my time. However I work full time and it is sometimes hard to acknowledge each one. If I ever fail to mention one, it is not intentionally.
During my research I have found some more interesting and sickening facts about our politicians. First of all, there is more than just the NRA that comprise the gun lobby. To name a few The Gun Owners of America, The Second Amendment Foundation and American Hunters and Shooters Association. Daniel Defense Company is a producer of AR-15’s, AR-Pistols, and Bolt Action Rifles. Daniel Defense made the weapon that was used in the Uvalde shooting. They are an American arms manufacturer founded in 2002 in Savannah, Georgia. This company gave the Republican Governor of Georgia $50,000. Governor Brian Kemp took some heat for this bribe and was asked to give the money to a gun safety organization. James Guttenberg who’s son was killed in Parkland in 2018 was the one who asked Kemp to do this. I was unable to find if he did it or not. Gabi Gifford and Shannon Watts also criticized Kemp for his accepting of these funds and for signing the lawful weapons carrier law on April 12, 2022. This law allowed open carry in most public places in Georgia.
Similarly in Ohio, Governor DeWine signed an open carry law on March 15, 2022. This law removed CCW as a legal offense. It also reduced the training requirement from 12 to 8 hours to handle a gun. It also removed background checks. The NRA actually grades politicians on their record of gun legislation. This move got DeWine upgraded from an F to an A. When DeWine signed this deadly law, Ohio became the 23rd state to allow open carry. DeWine received $8,500.00 since 2010 from gun lobbyists. In return he passed Stand Your Ground Legislation and permit less concealed carry laws. In an effort to appear fair, he introduced a common sense gun law that failed miserably.
I walk on my lunch break around a Public High 🏡 School. They have a sign posted on the door which says “Weapons of any kind are 🚫 prohibited on these premises regardless of a concealed carry permit”. It is very telling that schools feel the need to post signs like this. They are obviously abreast of the Open Carry laws in the state. The schools are trying to protect the students. We need new politicians who will do this too. Come on Millennial and young people RECLAIM!